45+ Ultimate Ways to Speed Up Your TYPO3 Performance

Is your TYPO3 website slow? Follow this guide, you will learn all the tricks on how to speed up your TYPO3 website and optimize TYPO3 pages.

45+ Ultimate Ways to Speed Up Your TYPO3 Performance

Are you searching for practical best-practices and tools-techniques to Speed up your TYPO3 Performance? Then, you are in the correct place!

In 2017, We wrote one of our most popular blog 30 Tips for Optimum TYPO3 Speed and, Here we are going to update and expand it with more TYPO3 tools & techniques with latest TYPO3 v9 and v10 standards.

Based on our one-decade of the TYPO3 development experience, we have tried to prepare a list of all feasible TYPO3 Performance optimization tools & techniques.

“This blog is dedicated to all hundreds of TYPO3 developers & agencies who are contributing their time & money to have better speed & performance of TYPO3 core and extensions - Heartily, Thanks a lot!”

It's a bit-long blog post, but don’t worry, there is not any theory, we have included practical solutions with examples, so take a cup of good-coffee and keep reading :)

Before we start, Did you know?

Table Of Content

TYPO3 is number one OpenSouce CMS which gets the highest ranking in one of the page performance reports. Feel proud of my friend ;)

Interesting huh?

Checkout detailed report at HttpArchive.org

Although we are at number one position in speed/performance in CMS Market, there is always a scope to improve our TYPO3 site.

Generally, Why does your TYPO3 site have speed and performance issues?

Because of;

  • Wrong or Mis-configured your TYPO3 instance
  • Poor way of TYPO3 template integration
  • Custom-developed non-standards TYPO3 extensions
  • Installed some error some third-party TYPO3 extensions
  • Not-optimized Server configuration
  • And so on.,

Speed Matters

Why Speed-matters for you and for your customer’s business, you all know it well ;) And, therefore I not writing a long-list over here.

So, are you ready? Let’s go one-by-one to each TYPO3 extensions, tools, and techniques to Speed up TYPO3 Performance and TYPO3 Troubleshoot.

Wait for a second!

Before you dig in-depth to optimize the performance of your TYPO3 site, Always check out what are the major things wrong at your site with following popular tools - at least they will help you to figure-out TYPO3 Frontend Issues.

We recommend generating your TYPO3 site’s performance report from below popular online speed report generator tools.

Make sure that you have enabled TYPO3’s core cache with the TypoScript setting.

  • Step 1. Go to Web > Template > Select root-page
  • Step 2. Edit Setup > Add following code > Click on Save button
# TypoScript Setup
config.no_cache = 0

An Amazing TYPO3 extension from StaticFileCache Team. After installing this extension, Your site will by-pass the TYPO3 and directly load already generated HTML template files with help from .htaccess.

System Requirements

Apache, you will also need mod_rewrite, mod_headers, and mod_expires.

NginX, Read Article

Installation and Configuration of TYPO3 StaticFileCache

Important: Don’t miss to disable TYPO3 cache for your particular dynamic pages (from Page > Edit property). For eg., Contact form, Payment page, etc.,

Generally, your TYPO3 site may have more than 15+ CSS/JS files. Let's compress and concatenate them in a single file to avoid too many requests.

  • Step 1. Go to Web > Template > Select root-page
  • Step 2. Edit setup > Add following code > Click on Save button
# TypoScript Setup
config.compressCss = 1
config.compressJs =1
config.concatenateCss = 1
config.concatenateJs = 1

Three friends developed and maintained a small but cool TYPO3 extension - EXT:sourceopt. It will compress your TYPO3 site’s HTML output to decrease the size of your page.

Recently Richard Haeser developed one cool TYPO3 extension PageSpeed Insights that will show you the speed score of your particular TYPO3 page at the backend.

Do you love TYPO3 & Varnish? Varnish is the fastest, most flexible and cost-efficient web accelerator available for your online business. Andri Steiner developed robust Varnish TYPO3 Extension Varnish Connector.

TYPO3 Backend

TSConfig: TCEMAIN.clearCacheCmd

Usually used to automatically clear caches for configured pages, when editing records on another page in the backend (like news records in a sysfolder). Can be configured with all or pages to automatically clear all caches for every single page. Use this with care.


Before TYPO3 9, it was possible to disable the cache for a page record with the db field no_cache (Even for editors). This can heavily affect the CPU load and performance of the website and should be avoided.

Mount points

Mount points generally are a bad idea (duplicate content), but, if heavily used, can also lead to a lot of db load due to many recursions.

Extension Development

Caching Extbase Plugins

When configuring an Extbase plugin, you can specify the allowed Controller actions and which actions should not be cached at all. (this will internally create a USER_INT object in TYPO3)

        'Location' => 'list'
    // uncached actions:
        'Location' => 'list'

Read more TYPO3 Caching Framework

Caching Framework

By default, many caching tables (like extbase_datamapfactory_datamap, extbase_reflection, cf_*, …) are stored in the default DB connection (usually MariaDB/MySQL) configured in TYPO3. In larger projects with fast growing cache tables, consider switching to a RedisBackend with reasonable amounts of memory assigned for Redis.

There are several other Caching Backends available (Typo3DatabaseBackend, MemcachedBackend, ApcBackend, and others as well as the possibility to implement your own).

Read TYPO3 Official Docs


Make sure, that your extensions are not using $GLOBALS['TSFE']->set_no_cache() everywhere, as this will completely disable the caching.

Extbase ORM vs Doctrine Querybuilder

The usage of Extbase repositories with its Object Relational Mapping and DDD design principles can be a very convenient and easy way to handle data objects, quickly create code and create a running project in a well-structured way. However, using an ORM, and its need to build all the data objects with all its complex relationships in the background, always means a performance tradeoff. If domain objects are not needed and performance critical data handling is required (like import/exports of large data sets), you should rather use the Doctrine Querybuilder for direct db access or the TYPO3 Core Engine.

TYPO3 Fluid Template

Compilable Viewhelpers

Make sure your custom Viewhelpers are using the CompilableInterface, if possible. This makes the Viewhelper static, avoids the instantiation of many instances of the viewhelper class (which can easily happen if it is placed inside a <f:for>-loop) and improves the performance of the template parsing.

cache.disable ViewHelper

Beware of the ViewHelper <f:cache.disable />. If used, it will disable the caching and compiling of the complete Fluid template (not just the single one where the Viewhelper is used) to PHP classes, slowing down the template building.

TypoScript Settings


If linkVars are used (a classic example is the L parameter before TYPO3 9), you can and should limit the range of allowed values. Like: config.linkVars = L(0-3). These linkVars are automatically added to each link, if present in the current url, and can potentially flood the cache, if no range limit is present.


This option determines the lifetime of a pages cache depending on configured db records and their start/stop time. This can for instance be useful on a news page: If a new news record is about to be shown, you will want the old page cache to automatically invalidate.

config.cache.10 = tx_news_domain_model_news:11

This will apply the cache option to the page with the id, which then takes the news records in the sysfolder with the id 11 in consideration for the cache lifetime.

Read more at TYPO3 Docs


With this setting set to 1, the cache will always expire at midnight.


Amount of seconds until a page cache should be invalited. 604800 for instance would keep the page cache for a week.


If set to 1, TYPO3 will automatically send several cache headers (Last-Modified: x, Expires: x, ETag, Cache-Control, Pragma: public) for static pages to the browser. Only if the page is cached (No USER_INT objects) and no be_user or fe_user is logged in!

Typoscript Conditions

Each single TypoScript Condition means a new cache variant of the page (TYPO3 will create one cache for the page, if the condition is met and one if not). To avoid bloating up the cache, use such conditions with care and remove any unnecessary condition stubs in your TypoScript, that are not in use.


Try to limit your *_INT objects in TypoScript. These are basically uncached components in your website. When present, TYPO3 first creates a static (cached) version of the page and inserts placeholder comments in the html output that mark all locations, where a *_INT object is present. After that, each single of these objects is created from scratch (uncached). This considerably slows down page generation compared to a fully cached page.

Be especially careful, when using *_INT objects inside a FLUIDTEMPLATE. If you place such an object in the section page.10.variables, this would apply the uncached object for every single page, even if it is not actually used in the Fluid template, unnecessarily slowing down every single page in your frontend.

TYPO3 Install Tool


If set to true and a page request in the frontend fails due to a cHash comparison fail (the calculated chash does not match the actual get parameters in the url), TYPO3 will trigger a 404 error. This is the recommended setting, as with false TYPO3 would show the page instead with no caching. You should rather fix your urls if cHash errors occur on the page.


If set to true, the infamous &no_cache=1 will do nothing at all, if present in any url (Check your code, that this change doesn't break anything).

Some servers have been configured with low PHP settings for TYPO3. Please consider having at least the following minimum PHP configuration into php.ini.


# Settings in php.ini
memory_limit = 256M
max_execution_time = 240
max_input_var = 1500


Check that Opcache is enabled in the phpinfo module. Some cheap hostings completely disable it and other Bytecode caches and require users to upgrade their hosting agreement to enable thehttps://t3planet.de/en/typo3-googledocs-extension


Consider switching to PHP FPM (either on Apache or nginx) to better handle large amounts of requests and for other performance improvements compared to the Apache mod_php module.

PHP Profiling

You can use a PHP profiler like xdebug or blackfire.io (paid service) to find performance bottlenecks in your PHP code.

Google PageSpeed highly recommends loading your Javascript at the end of the page to avoid JavaScript block rendering and increase first-byte rendering. Just make sure to include your JavaScript libraries with the following TypoScript way.

# TypoScript Setup
config.moveJsFromHeaderToFooter = 1

page.includeJSFooter {
    Jquery = jquery.min.js
    Bootstrap = bootstrap.min.js

It’s best practice to take care of crop and resize images during the TYPO3 development.

Test-drive Image Processing

First-off all, Test-drive if your ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick works fine.

Set Crop feature into Fluid

<f:image src="fileadmin/user_upload/demo_test.jpg" alt="Demo/Test" width="100c" height="100c" />

We have developed a TYPO3 extension to apply the wonderful TYPO3 lazy-load concept of download images on-scroll to your TYPO3 site.

Once you have a huge site, it’s necessary to smartly clear the cache from the backend. For example, if you change a particular page or content-element, it should be clear the cache is clear of particular that. As to re-build the TYPO3 cache may take time.

Alexander Stehlik developed EXT:cacheopt to take care of such smart TYPO3 Cache Optimizer.

Google continuously promotes the Next-generation WebP project to faster loading of image assets on the web.

Wolfgang Klinger developed WebP TYPO3 Extension to automatically generate WebP for your existing JPG and PNG files. Just try it!

One of the famous Image Optimizer TYPO3 Extension by Christoph Lehmann, Lossless image optimization. Process jpg/png/gif/svg images with binaries and parameters of your choice.

Optimize images on upload or after processing (files in fileadmin/_processed_/).

Yes, too many 301 redirects will cause an issue on your TYPO3 Performance. Because at each time TYPO3 (or apache server from .htaccess) will check each of your redirects URL before loading pages, so just try to keep a minimum 301 redirects.

Very basic, always set 404 error pages into TYPO3 to have quick load 404 pages once cause such an error occurs.

# typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php;
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['pageNotFound_handling'] = '/404/';

From TYPO3 v9, use built-in error handling

  1. Step 1. Go to Site Management > Sites
  2. Step 2. Edit your site and configure 404 pages at the Error Handling tab.

Yeah, If you are trying to run thousands of pages with search feature through EXT:indexed_search then it may cause TYPO3 Performance issues with caching and indexing.

Try to disable indexed_search extension, As an alternative try to install and configure TYPO3 solr.

More easy-way to minify, compress and concatenate your assets CSS and JavaScript from small TYPO3 extension Scriptmerger from Stefan Galinski

Whenever your TYPO3 editor is a bit non-technical (or lazy ;) and just uploaded whatever size images they have, It causes a big issue with the big-size of your TYPO3 pages.

Xavier Perseguers have good popular Image AutoResize TYPO3 Extension


TYPO3 has a built-in backend and frontend compression technique within the core, Just configure following settings.

# typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['compressionLevel'] = 9;
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['compressionLevel'] = 9;

Is your TYPO3 backend page-tree too slow due to thousands of pages? TYPO3 Extension from bueroparallel, Performance-optimized backend page tree for large TYPO3 v9 installations (> 10k pages).

Once you make site-live at the Production server, then better to avoid TYPO3-logs to save such logs entries time.

# typo3conf/LocalConfiguration.php;
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['enableDeprecationLog'] = '0';
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['syslogErrorReporting'] = '0';
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['belogErrorReporting'] = '0';
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['systemLogLevel'] = '4';
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['sqlDebug'] = false;
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['no_pconnect'] = '1';
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['versionNumberInFilename'] = '1';

If you are a TYPO3 integrator or developer, at the end of your extension development always try to TYPO3 code-review from your Senior TYPO3 developer.

In that way, You can clean-up unnecessary code as well as improve the quality of code to faster your TYPO3 site.

Yeah, sometimes your customer or non-technical people trial and error many TYPO3 extensions from TER.

It’s always best practice to deactivate or delete not-used TYPO3 extension for better TYPO3 Performance as well as secure your site.

We recommend to study defer and async, here is the good source

<script async src="foobar.js"></script>
<script defer src="foobar.js"></script>

If you have too many broken links into the site, then it may cause speed issues. TYPO3 has a built-in core feature to check broken links.

  • Step 1. Go to Web > Info module > Click on the root page
  • Step 2. Select Linkvalidator from the top drop-down
  • Step 3. Here, You can see complete reports and check links to find broken links.

Check out how many server requests are calling for your particular TYPO3 page. Requests can be CSS, js, images, etc. from internal or external.

You should consider a minimum server request to reduce connecting time eg., If you have too many images then could use the concept of CSS or Image Sprites.

Google says, Your page should be less than 500 KB and would be great to load less than 3 seconds. Check out your total size with GTMetrix and do your best to reduce the all-over size of your TYPO3 page size.

Make sure to enable Gzip compression at your .htaccess.

# .htaccess
<FilesMatch "\.js\.gzip$">
    AddType "text/javascript" .gzip
<FilesMatch "\.css\.gzip$">
    AddType "text/css" .gzip
AddEncoding gzip .gzip

Your assets should be store as much as long-time into your user’s browser, please add the following code into your .htaccess file.

# .htaccess
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType text / css "access plus 7 days"
ExpiresByType image / gif "access plus 6 months"
ExpiresByType image / jpeg "access plus 6 months"
ExpiresByType image / png "access plus 6 months"
ExpiresByType image / jpg "access plus 6 months"
ExpiresByType image / x-icon "access plus 6 months"
ExpiresByType application / font-woff "access plus 6 months"
ExpiresByType application / x-font-ttf "access plus 6 months"
ExpiresByType application / svg + xml "access plus 6 months"
ExpiresByType application / vnd.ms-fontobject "access plus 6 months"
ExpiresByType application / x-shockwave-flash "access plus 6 months"
ExpiresByType application / javascript "access plus 7 days"
ExpiresByType application / x-javascript "access plus 7 days"

Let’s disallow thieves by limiting a few domains which will only access your site. In this way, your server will get less-load.

# .htaccess
# Let's disable  hotlinking for images with either forbidden or providing custom image option
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$ RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER}
!^http(s)?://(www\.)?yoursite.com [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER}
!^http(s)?://(www\.)?google.com [NC] RewriteRule \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ – [NC,F,L]

From a server perspective, It’s good practice to set connection keep-alive, You can set the following code into your .htaccess file.

# .htaccess
Header set Connection keep-alive

We suggest to set prefetch and pre-connect “rel” attribute at your <link> tag, You can Google to know the benefits ;)

Prefetch Google Fonts:

<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//fonts.googleapis.com">

Prefetch Google Code (jQuery):

<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//ajax.googleapis.com">

Prefetch Google Analytics:

<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//www.google-analytics.com">

Preconnect connect in advance!

<link href='https://cdn.yourdomain.com' rel='preconnect' crossorigin>

After months and years, Your TYPO3 Database (like MySQL) might have lots of unnecessary records and data. TYPO3 has one more cool built-in Scheduler feature. We suggest setting the following scheduler to automatically regularly clean-up and optimize your TYPO3 database.

  • Step 1. Go to System > Scheduler
  • Step 2. At top-left corner > Add task icon
  • Step 3. Add one by one clean-up and optimization tasks as shown in below screenshot

One more thing, If your database is bit-bigger then you can help someone database server administrator to optimize your database-server level Optimization.

Sometime, you may realize your TYPO3 instance’s size is in GB. It’s recommended to remove such an unused cache or rebuild the cache.

You can easily remove such cache and re-generate the cache with following commands.

rm -rf /var/www/site/htdocs/typo3temp/*
su -c "cd /var/www/site/htdocs && ./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase cacheapi:clearsystemcache"\
-s /bin/sh\
su -c "cd /var/www/site/htdocs && ./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase cacheapi:clearallcaches"\
-s /bin/sh\

Especially deprecation logs should never be enabled on production systems, as they tend to grow very quickly. Even after fixing all the deprecation warnings in your own extensions, you will usually end up with lots of deprecation warnings from third-party extensions that you cannot simply fix (which often happen because these extensions need to support a wide variety of TYPO3 versions). You can disable the deprecation log in TYPO3 9 in your ext_localconf.php with the following code

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['LOG']['TYPO3']['CMS']['deprecations']['writerConfiguration'][\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\LogLevel::NOTICE] = [];

Most people use MySQL database server for the TYPO3 installation. Try below optimization at your MySQL server to speed-up your TYPO3 Performance.


Please, for everything that is good, do not use a statment like LIKE ‘%FOOBAR’ in your sql queries. This will do a full db scan and not scale at all.

DB Indices

Optimize your MySQL/MariaDB indices, especially for tables that are expected to handle large amounts of data. The EXPLAIN statement can help with analyzing your queries as well as the Debug panel in the TYPO3 Adminpanel.

Database Server Setting

# Disable bin log

# Switch on and increase query_cache
query_cache_limit = 2M #default was 1M
query_cache_size = 64M #default was 0
query_cache_type = 1

# Increase table_cache
table_cache = 256 #default was 64

# Increase key_buffer
key_buffer_size = 64M #default was 8M

You can configure some of the following server-level (especially Apache) configuration.

Server Infrastructure

For larger projects with many visitors, it could be a good idea to invest in multiple servers with a Load Balancer. (Which also improves the uptime of the website)

# Disable excessive logging
LogLevel warn

# Disable DNS lookups, your log file analyzer can do this afterward
HostNameLookups off

To avoid directly render your editor’s heavy images at the frontend. In TYPO3, You can easily configure maximum width and height of images/media from the backend.

  • Step 1. Go to Template > Select root/main page
  • Step 2. Choose Constant Editor > Content from drop-down
  • Step 3. Configure each property according to your needs.

Many developers still use, .htaccess file to redirect old to new 301 redirects. TYPO3 now comes with a built-in Redirect module.

  • Step 1. Go to Site Management > Redirects
  • Step 2. Click on Add Redirect button and keep writing every 301 redirects.

Make sure your TYPO3’s health is well without any errors and warning, It will help TYPO3 to perform better.

  • Step 1. Go to System > Reports
  • Step 2. Choose Status Report to check out the whole TYPO3 system report

If you found any warning or errors, then contact your System Administrator or TYPO3 team to fix it.

In the same way, Make sure to have green-signal at TYPO3 Installed Services

  • Step 1. Go to System > Reports
  • Step 2. Choose Installed Services to checkout TYPO3 service report

Yeah! From TYPO3 v9, have a powerful TYPO3 Maintenance module by replacing the old TYPO3 Install tool module.

You have the opportunity to easily clean-up and optimize the TYPO3 core’s cache and assets.

  1. Step 1. Go to Admin tools > Maintenance Module
  2. Step 2. Check out each one by one feature

Flush TYPO3 and PHP Cache

This action directly clears all registered caches including opcode cache. This utility is also present in TYPO3’s backend: Top Bar > Clear Cache > Flush all caches.

Remove Temporary Assets

Clears temporary files including concatenated JS/CSS files and processed images.

Clear Persistent Database Tables

Truncates persistent database tables, which are not related to caching.

To make sure TYPO3 is compatible and well-works with your server environment, Checkout below reports too.

  • Step 1. Go to Admin Tools > Environment
  • Step 2. Click on Check Environment button

If you found any issues, then connect with your hosting administrator to correct their server configuration.

CDN is very trendy to extremely boost-up your TYPO3 site. You just need to figure-out which CDN service best for your TYPO3 website. Here are a few lists.

Amazon AWS S3 FAL driver (CDN)

One of the popular extensions Markus Hölzle, EXT:aus_driver_amazon_s3 Provides a FAL driver for the Amazon Web Service S3.

CloudFlare CDN

Xavier Perseguers developed and maintaining EXT:cloudflare The Cloudflare TYPO3 extension ensures your TYPO3 website is running optimally on the Cloudflare platforhttps://t3planet.de/en/typo3-googledocs-extension

More TYPO3 CDN Extension

There variance TYPO3 extensions available TER, Checkout


At every TYPO3 new version release, there are many updates available which help to speed-up your TYPO3 instance’s performance.

The TYPO3 community has a great project cycle by releasing the LTS version every three years. Keep your eyes at TYPO3 roadmap and update your TYPO3 site.

Major Release

We highly recommend you to keep Upgrade TYPO3 Version with the latest LTS (long-term support) eg., from TYPO3 v9.5 to v10.4.

Minor Release

Also, make sure to update your TYPO3 version with maintenance and security releases too. Eg., from TYPO3 v10.2.1 to v10.2.2.

Even after trying above 47 ways to speed up your TYPO3 Performance does not help to increase the performance of your TYPO3 site, then It’s time to think about choosing better hosting or upgrading your TYPO3 hosting.

E.g, If you are running on a shared TYPO3 server which is generally very-slow, then better to move on with a dedicated TYPO3 server.

Also, always try to get a server from TYPO3 specialized hosting guys eg., https://jweiland.net/ who prepare their server with best compatible with TYPO3 CMS.

There are variance factors like based on your site’s traffic and site’s size, you need to smartly choose hosting plans for better performance and of course cost-effective hosting solution.

Team T3Terminal proudly launched the world's first ready-to-live TYPO3 SaaS solution (how simple it is, Choose your TYPO3 Template and Go-live) TYPO3 SaaS solution with best server performance and cost-reliable solution. Know more at TYPO3 SaaS Solution

Okay! That’s it :)

Wait, Last but not in the list, Never-stop to keep improving Speed and TYPO3 Performance Optimization task.

Keep exploring, learning and experimenting with your TYPO3 site by creating your own tips and tricks to optimize your TYPO3 site.

Because Optimization of your TYPO3 Performance is a “never-ending” task, You will always have a scope of improvement.

  • We hope you enjoyed and learned good tips and tricks to Speed Up your TYPO3 Performance.
  • As in above mentioned #49 ways to increase the performance of your TYPO3 instance, There are many ways to increase like Backend optimization, Server configuration, Frontend optimization, etc.,

Do you know any other special tools or techniques to improve performance of TYPO3 website? Keep helping the TYPO3 community by writing them to the comment box.

Do you need help to enhance your speed & performance?

  • Upto 90+ Google Page Speed Score
  • Advanced TYPO3 Speed Audit Report
  • 10 Support hours
TYPO3 Performance GIG

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  • user
    Flor Denham 2023-02-12 at 5:53 am
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  • user
    Viola 2023-01-07 at 8:17 pm
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    They're very convincing and will certainly work. Still, the posts are very short for newbies.
    Could you please extend them a bit from subsequent time?
    Thank you for the post.video
  • user
    Viola 2023-01-07 at 8:17 pm
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    They're very convincing and will certainly work. Still, the posts are very short for newbies.
    Could you please extend them a bit from subsequent time?
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  • user
    Viola 2023-01-07 at 8:17 pm
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    They're very convincing and will certainly work. Still, the posts are very short for newbies.
    Could you please extend them a bit from subsequent time?
    Thank you for the post.video
  • user
    Viola 2023-01-07 at 8:17 pm
    I do trust all the ideas you've offered for your post.
    They're very convincing and will certainly work. Still, the posts are very short for newbies.
    Could you please extend them a bit from subsequent time?
    Thank you for the post.video
  • user
    Robert Koertig 2021-06-08 at 3:26 pm
    Great article, Thanks for the nicely TYPO3 SEO analyzed steps. I will consider following them one by one for my post.

    Keep up the Good work.
  • user
    Stephanie Ackermann 2021-06-08 at 3:22 pm
    Hi Sanjay!
    I just wanted to say that you’re brilliant. I’ve recently switched my blog from a free Blogger account to TYPO3 account, based on your recommendations and that I knew it would be better for my blog. I love seeing your TYPO3 SEO tips and explanations for all of the steps and options for building a website or blog, and then seeing them in action right here on yours. It helps the learning process. It’s definitely not as simple as I’d imagined, but thanks to T3Planet, I know I’ll get there eventually. I literally couldn’t do it without you.
  • user
    Mathias Wirtz 2020-07-06 at 11:54 am
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