TYPO3 Zoho Erweiterung

TYPO3 Zoho Erweiterung


Integrieren Sie TYPO3-Formulare mit Zoho CRM, um Leads automatisch von Ihrer Website zu erfassen. Sind Sie bereit, Ihren Lead-Management-Prozess zu optimieren? Unsere innovative Integration von TYPO3-Formularen und Zoho CRM bietet Ihnen eine starke Kombination, die die Art und Weise, wie Sie Leads erfassen, pflegen und konvertieren, revolutionieren wird.

Jede Einreichung wird zu einem potenziellen Lead, so dass keine Gelegenheit verpasst wird. Zoho ist nicht nur zukunftssicher und flexibel. Es ist auch skalierbar und erweiterbar. Hier ist, was Sie von diesem dynamischen Duo erwarten können:

Wesentliche Merkmale

Formular Mapping

Definieren und anpassen, wie Formularfelder den Zoho CRM-Feldern zugeordnet werden, um Datenkonsistenz und -genauigkeit zwischen TYPO3 und Zoho CRM sicherzustellen.

So können Sie Ihre Daten in kürzester Zeit effektiv und genau abbilden.

Auswahl der Module

Segmentieren Sie Leads basierend auf Geschäftsanforderungen. Kategorisieren Sie eingehende Formularantworten automatisch in Zoho CRM, damit Ihr Team Prioritäten setzen und gezielt für personalisierte Kontaktaufnahmen vorgehen kann.

Sie können aus verschiedenen Modulen wählen;

  • Leads
  • Kontakte
  • Karriere
  • Konten
  • Produkte

Daten in Echtzeit Sync

Verabschieden Sie sich von Datenverzögerungen. Unsere Integration gewährleistet, dass über TYPO3-Formulare erfasste Lead-Informationen sofort und präzise mit Ihrer Zoho CRM-Datenbank synchronisiert werden. Begrüßen Sie aktuelle und verlässliche Kundendaten

Verdeckte Werte übertragen

Richten Sie versteckte Werte ein, die zusammen mit Formularfeldern an das CRM übergeben werden. Diese Werte werden im Formular nicht angezeigt.

Übertragen Sie Werte wie Lead Source, Lead Score, Custom Values und vieles mehr.

Kundenspezifische Finisher

Es ermöglicht Ihnen, spezifische Aktionen vor dem Absenden eines Formulars festzulegen. Dies könnte Aufgaben wie das Senden von benutzerdefinierten Benachrichtigungen, das Auslösen bestimmter Aktionen usw. umfassen

Durch die Verwendung von individuellen Formularabschlüssen können Sie das Erlebnis gemäß Ihren speziellen Geschäftsanforderungen anpassen, die Datenverwaltung optimieren und einen nahtlosen Datentransfer von Ihrer Website zu Ihrem Zoho CRM oder sogar zu anderen Plattformen sicherstellen.

Andere Highlights

Nahtlose Integration

Integrieren Sie TYPO3-Formulare direkt in Zoho, so dass Formular-Eingaben automatisch in Zoho CRM-Datensätze übertragen werden.

Benutzerdefiniertes Mapping

Anpassen der Feldzuordnung zu Zoho Crm-Feldern, um Datenkonsistenz und -genauigkeit zwischen TYPO3 und Zoho zu gewährleisten

Multi Form Unterstützung

Integration mit mehreren typo3 Formularen, mit verschiedenen Modulen oder Datensätzen in Zoho CRM

Bedingte Logik

Nutzen Sie die bedingte Logik in TYPO3-Formularen, um zu bestimmen, welche Daten an Zoho CRM gesendet werden sollen, basierend auf den Antworten der Benutzer.

Sichere Datenübertragung

Sicherstellung der sicheren Übertragung sensibler Kundendaten von TYPO3 zu Zoho CRM unter Einhaltung von Datenschutz- und Datensicherheitsstandards.

Custom Benachrichtigungen

Konfigurieren Sie Benachrichtigungen, die an bestimmte Benutzer oder Teams in Zoho CRM gesendet werden, wenn bestimmte Formular übermittlungen eingehen.

Frontend Bildschirme

TYPO3 Backend Bildschirme

Rezensionen & Bewertungen

4.5 / 5



The support team at T3Planet has been incredibly helpful and responsive, making the setup and integration process a wonderful experience, even for free extensions. Thank You So Much Team T3Planet.

Marco Nacht

Marco Nacht

This extension has been a real time-saver for me. I used to have to manually enter data from my TYPO3 forms into Zoho CRM, but now it's all done automatically.

Stephanie Moench

Stephanie Moench

The TYPO3 Zoho Extension has helped me optimize my business operations, and the availability of paid features has allowed me to tailor it to my specific needs.

Lea Schmidt

Lea Schmidt

I've been using the TYPO3 Zoho Extension, and it has significantly improved my business processes. The paid features offer advanced capabilities, and the integration with Zoho is seamless.

Michael Kalb

Michael Kalb

Our experience with the TYPO3 Zoho Extension has been Amazing. The array of features, including form mapping and real-time data sync, have simplified our Zoho data management.

Janina Reiniger

Janina Reiniger

Thanks to the TYPO3 Zoho Extension, managing data and leads is now hassle-free. It's a powerful and user-friendly tool that has brought much-needed simplicity to my daily tasks

Markus Bosch

Markus Bosch

We encountered a minor issue during the setup process, but the customer support was quick to respond and resolve the issue.thank you to T3Planet Support Team !

Karin Baumgartner

Karin Baumgartner

I faced some challenges during installation, but the customer support team was quick to assist. They guided me through the process and ensured everything was working perfectly. It's a must-have for any business relying on Zoho for CRM and other applications.

Michael Bauer

Michael Bauer

The ability to integrate multiple TYPO3 forms with different Zoho CRM modules provides great flexibility. We can capture leads from various sources on our website and categorize them accordingly within Zoho CRM easily.

Leah Drescher

Leah Drescher

Since implementing the TYPO3 Zoho Extension, we've seen a significant improvement in our lead management process. It's efficient, automated, and provides us with valuable data to nurture leads and close deals. A great investment!

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Freie vs. Pro Funktionen




FormularzuordnungPassen Sie an, wie Formularfelder den Zoho CRM-Feldern zugeordnet werden, um Datenkonsistenz sicherzustellen.

Echtzeit DatensynchronisierungSofortige Synchronisierung von Lead-Daten aus TYPO3-Formularen mit Zoho CRM

Verdeckte Werte übertragenVersteckte Werte wie Lead Source sicher an CRM übergeben

Kundenspezifische FinisherDefinieren Sie Vorab-Sendevorgänge für maßgeschneidertes Datenmanagement

Benutzerdefiniertes MappingSie können Felder entsprechend Ihrem Zoho CRM zuordnen

Multi Form UnterstützungEin einzelnes Formular oder mehrere TYPO3 Formulare verbinden

Auswahl der ModuleWählen Sie aus einer Liste von Modulen für das Datenmapping
1. Führt
2. Kontakte
3. Konten
4. Produkte
5. Karriere


TYPO3 v10 to 12

Extension Key


Composer Support

composer req nitsan/ns-zoho

TYPO3 Extension Installationsanleitung

T3Planet extensions generally work with all 3rd-party TYPO3 extensions from TER (TYPO3 Extensions Repository). If you come across a compatibility issue with any third-party module, we’ll help you.

If you face any technical issues, please create a ticket to receive help from our professionals.

We recommend that you perform a backup before starting the installation process to ensure that nothing can provoke a conflict.

All premium T3Planet extensions come with 1 year of free support and updates from purchase. However, if you wish to avail yourself of the benefits of lifetime free updates and support, you may switch to Lifetime Subscription anytime.

We've bifurcated it into the Annual and Lifetime models.

Annual subscription model:
The customer will get annual assurance of purchased product with free TYPO3 updates and support for a year. Your subscription will auto-renew each year until cancelled.

Lifetime subscription model:
It comes with an abundant bunch of benefits; you'll get lifetime support with lifetime product updates and lifetime product assurance. It is a one-time payment, not a subscription.

Read more about the subscription model.

Yes, we provide professional installation service at €49. You can purchase it while checking out with your purchased extension.

You can request a customisation service if you need to configure it according to your business needs.

Yes, T3Planet demonstrates their TYPO3 products and comes with a 15-day money-back guarantee.

For Trial and best user experience, all T3Planet extensions are provided for testing and demo purposes with front-end and back-end demos.

So instead of a free trial, most of our TYPO3 extensions have demos where you can see how our modules work.

For customer convenience, we provide Frontend and Live TYPO3 backend; checkout

Yes, you can install any T3Planet extension on a test site and configure all the settings there before doing it on your live store. You can easily change your domain from a staging site to a live site on your own or may contact our support team to do it for you. Also, you can use activate/de-activate license feature

By default, T3Planet offers 1 year of premium support with 15 days money-back guarantee with your purchase. If you find any kind of bug or face any trouble within our template, you can create a support ticket from here - Submit a ticket, and our team will reply to you within 1 business day.

To extend support for more than 1 year, you would be required to renew your plan to a lifetime plan.

Whenever Team T3Planet releases a new version, particularly for the TYPO3 product, you will get email information about the newly released version.

You can then update the extension from your account

Step 1. Go to NITSAN > License Management

Step 2. Click on “Check for Updates” to your purchased product.

Step 3. If new updates are available, click on your particular product's “Update to X.X.X” button.

Check out our updated version of documentation.

You can install your TYPO3 extension with the below steps.

Step 1. Download EXT.ns_license

Step 2. Go to Admin Tools > Extensions > Install EXT.ns_license extension.

Step 3. Switch to NITSAN > License Management > Add Your License Key.

Step 4. Go to Admin Tools > Extensions > Activate Your Purchased Extension.

Detailed information can be found via documentation, Read more.

Yes, For a free TYPO3 extension, you can just use the mentioned composer installation command on this page. For the premium TYPO3 extension, we provide you access to our Private TYPO3 Composer Server.

Detailed information can be found via documentation, Read more.

Our license system allows you to access, download and install your purchased TYPO3 product(s) using a "license key". We have a license policy with domain-wise authentication. That means You'll need to buy a license / per domain. For example, If you want to use our particular TYPO3 product in 3 domains, you'll need to purchase a 3-domain license.

Support on the subscription is provided only for the account for which you purchased a subscription i.e Annual or Lifetime. If the modules are on another account, they will not be supported.

We have detailed documentation for every TYPO3 product, please click on the documentation link on this page which will lead you to our official documentation.

We take care well of the backend usability of all the TYPO3 products. You can find all the details like installation, configuration, and usage in our documentation. Yes, with our extended support service, our TYPO3 experts also train and help our customers to get familiar with and get used to the TYPO3 backend.

Yes, According to our vision, all the TYPO3 products are compatible with the current and last TYPO3 LTS version.

You can easily transfer your license key from one domain to a new domain. Please follow our De-activate/activate license feature at Documentation.

If you want to set up your purchased TYPO3 product at your local, staging, or testing server then please send us information at Submit Your Ticket.

There is no need to pay any additional cost after purchasing our products. But in case you need our installation or customization services, a fee will be required. For free products, our support will be given as the charged service.

Helpful Support Is
Always On The Line!

Reach out and get your queries or issues resolved with our expert TYPO3 support team.

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