T3 Shri ist eine elegante, frische und saubere TYPO3-Mehrzweckvorlage. T3 Shri ist vollgepackt mit kreativen Mehrzweck-Tools und wird Ihnen helfen, Ihre Kreativität mit TYPO3 zu entfesseln!
Premium-Mehrzweck-TYPO3-Vorlage mit 75+ benutzerdefinierten TYPO3-Elementen und 22+ vorgefertigten Demo-Seiten. Entfesseln Sie noch heute die Kraft von TYPO3 mit T3 Shri, um eine atemberaubende und leistungsstarke Website mit unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten zu erstellen, ohne eine einzige Zeile Code zu schreiben!
Click N See Live Front-End-Anpassung Panel
Ein leistungsfähiger und eleganter Live-Frontend-Seiten-Customizer für TYPO3, der mit zahlreichen Styling-Modulen, einer Live-Farb,
Typografie und vorgefertigten Konzepten. Er macht die Erstellung von Webseiten zu einem Kinderspiel und ist bei Einsteigern und Profis gleichermaßen beliebt.
75+ Elemente und Variationen
Holen Sie sich zusätzliche Elemente und deren Layouts wie Preistabellen, Menüs, Galerien und vieles mehr.
Vielseitige Optionen, mit denen Sie eine Website für jede Branche erstellen können.
Key Highlights
Geschwindigkeit & SEO-Bericht
Superschnelle Leistung
T3 Shri - Eine Backend-Tour
Dokumentationen ansehenTYPO3 Theme Installationsanleitung
Frequently Asked Questions
Mehr FAQsYou can easily install and configure the TYPO3 template, Take a look step-by-step guide at Documentation https://docs.t3planet.com/en/latest/ExtThemes/Installation/Index.html.
Yes, T3Planet provides a demonstration of their TYPO3 products, also comes with a 15-day money-back guarantee.
For Trial and best user experience, all T3Planet templates are provided for testing and demo purposes with front-end and back-end demos.
So instead of a free trial, most of our TYPO3 templates have demos where you can see how our modules work.
For customer convenience, we provide Frontend and Live TYPO3 backend, Checkout.
Sorry, but no two or more T3Planet templates can function under one TYPO3 instance.
Yes, For a free TYPO3 template, you can just use the mentioned composer installation command on this page. For the premium TYPO3 template, we will provide you access to our Private TYPO3 Composer Server.
Detailed information can be found via documentation, https://docs.t3planet.com/en/latest/License/LicenseActivation/Index.html#install-via-composer
Yes. It is perfect for designers who want to offer their customers a high-quality design and save time and money. (Note: If you purchase a single or exclusive license, you’re allowed to create only one project (one domain name).
Sure, we will provide your support to edit your purchased template with our template customization services.
Yes, we'll provide your support to install your purchased template with our template installation charges of €49. You can purchase it when ordering an extension.
Yes, T3Planet provides you best SaaS solution for your purchased TYPO3 Templates with rich Hosting, Services & Support. Get your free trial now at https://t3planet.com/typo3-saas
Yes, Our TYPO3 templates are highly compatible with TYPO3 core to setup localization, multilingual and multisite features.
Yes, you can install any T3Planet template on a test site and configure all the settings there before doing it on your live store. You can easily change your domain from a staging site to a live site on your own or may contact our support team to do it for you. Also, you can use the activate/deactivate license feature. Read more.
Yes, with our extended support service, our TYPO3 experts also train and help our customers to get familiar with and get used to the TYPO3 backend.
Our license system allows you to access, download and install your purchased TYPO3 product(s) using a "license key". We have a license policy with domain-wise authentication. That means You'll need to buy a license / per domain. For example, If you want to use our particular TYPO3 product in 3 domains, you'll need to purchase a 3-domain license.
Support on the subscription is provided only for the Domian for which you purchased a subscription i.e Annual or Lifetime. If the modules are on another account, they will not be supported.
Read more about it, https://t3planet.com/terms
Whenever Team T3Planet will release a new version particular for the TYPO3 product, You will get email information about the newly released version.
You can then update the template from your account
Step 1. Go to NITSAN > License Management
Step 2. Check Your Product, Is “Latest Version” Marked? Then, you don’t need to do anything.
Step 3. If new updates are available, then click on the “Update to X.X.X” button of your particular product.
Before activating and updating your purchased TYPO3 products, we'd recommend you take TYPO3 backup of your website, just in case of functionality breaks you can roll back the changes.
You can install your TYPO3 template with the below steps.
Step 1. Download EXT.ns_license
Step 2. Go to Admin Tools > Extensions > Install EXT.ns_license extension.
Step 3. Switch to NITSAN > License Management > Add Your License Key.
Step 4. Go to Admin Tools > Extensions > Activate Your Purchased template.
Detailed information can be found via documentation, Read more.
Yes, installing TYPO3 templates requires a self-hosted installation of TYPO3 to run.
By default T3Planet offers 1 year of premium support with 15 days money-back guarantee with your purchase. This includes if you find any kind of bug or facing any trouble within our template, you can create a support ticket from here - Submit a ticket and our team will reply to you within 1 business day.
To extend support for more than 30 days, you would be required to renew with our lifetime/ extended yearly premium support.
We have detailed documentation for every TYPO3 product, please click on the documentation link on this page which will lead you to our official documentation.
We take care well of the backend usability of all the TYPO3 products. You can find all the details like installation, configuration, and usage in our documentation. Yes, with our extended support service, our TYPO3 experts also train and help our customers to get familiar with and get used to the TYPO3 backend.
You can easily transfer your license key from one domain to a new domain. Please follow our De-activate/activate license feature at Documentation.
If you want to set up your purchased TYPO3 product at your local, staging, or testing server then please send us information at Submit Your Ticket.
No, our templates do not support PostgreSQL/SQLite database compatibility. Despite our efforts to ensure compatibility with the theme extension, we faced heightened complexity with PostgreSQL, especially during the import of the DB dump for automated page and content creation. Consequently, we decided to discontinue support, as the majority of our customers use MySQL/MariaDB. We strongly advise using a MySQL/MariaDB database for your TYPO3 installation.