Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einem schnellen TYPO3 Git Cheat Sheet für die TYPO3 Entwicklung? Schauen Sie sich die grundlegenden bis fortgeschrittenen TYPO3 Git-Befehle an, um die besten Praktiken mit Ihren bevorzugten Git-Tools wie Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket usw. zu erhalten.
// Global Configuration
git config --global "YOUR_USERNAME"
git config --global ""
// Initiate and clone git from repote
git init
git clone [URL]
// Know current branch name
git branch
git branch -a
// Manage branch
git branch [branch name]
// Checkout specific branc
git checkout [branch name]
// Get latest code
git pull
git pull origin [branch name]
// Check status
git status
git diff
git diff [source branch] [target branch]
// Add files
git add [file-name.txt] // Add a file to the staging area
git add -A // Add all new and changed files to the staging area
git add . // Add all new and changed files to the staging area
// Commit the code
git commit -m "[TASK] commit message" // Commit changes
git push // Push changes to remote repository
git push origin [branch name] // Push a branch to your remote repository
// Remove files/folders
git rm file1.txt // Remove single file
git rm -r [folder name] // Remove multiple files
git commit -m "remove file1.txt" // Commit changes
git push origin [branch name] // Push changes
// Branching & Merging
git branch [branch name] // Create a new branch
git branch -d [branch name] // Delete a branch
git push origin --delete [branch name] // Delete a remote branch
git checkout -b [branch name] // Create a new branch and switch to it
git checkout -b [branch name] origin/[branch] // Clone a remote branch and switch to it
git merge [branch name] // Merge a branch into the active branch
git merge [source branch] [target branch] // Merge a branch into a target branch
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