


Kommentar-Erweiterung für Ext: Publications ist eine spezielle TYPO3-Kommentar-Erweiterung, die für die TYPO3-Erweiterung Publication entwickelt wurde und Ihren Website-Besuchern ermöglicht, Kommentare auf Ihrer Website zu hinterlassen. TYPO3 Publikations-Kommentar-Erweiterung ist eine kostenlose & leistungsstarke Kommentar-Erweiterung für große Diskussionen mit Verschachtelung & einfaches Lesen. In dieser Erweiterung gibt es Funktionen wie Post-Kommentar, Antwort auf einen Kommentar, Multi-Level-Kommentar-Thread, Moderation, etc.

Wesentliche Merkmale

Vorschau auf die Veröffentlichung

Fügen Sie das gewünschte Feld, den Inhalt und die Beschreibung für jede Veröffentlichung aus dem TYPO3 Backend hinzu

Spezielles Formular für

Bringt schnellste Kommentarerfahrung mit
der beliebten TYPO3 Publication Extension

  • Benutzerdefinierte Kommentarformulare mit benutzerdefinierten Feldern
  • Aktivieren/Deaktivieren der Google Captcha-Option
  • Option "Begriffe" ankreuzen

Kommentare zum Thema

  • Responsives Kommentarformular und Kommentar thread-Design
  • Saubere, einfache und übersichtliche Benutzeroberfläche und Benutzererfahrung
  • Mehrstufige (verschachtelte) Kommentarthemen, mit Option zur Einstellung der maximalen Tiefe der Ebenen

Kommentar-Moderation &

  • Das Kommentieren kann erlaubt/verboten werden für Beiträgen und anderen Inhaltstypen
  • Kontrollieren Sie alle neuen Kommentare mit einem manuellen Genehmigungssystem, das einfach und effektiv ist.
  • Benachrichtigungsoptionen für Kommentarautoren mit speziellen Kontrollkästchen im Kommentarformular

Benutzerdefiniertes Design/CSS

  • Verwenden Sie CSS, um die ReplyBox in die Ergänzung, auf die Ihr Unternehmen schon warten auf.
  • Ajax-Schaltfläche "Weitere Kommentare laden" stattdessen der einfachen Paginierung von Kommentaren

Avatar des Kommentators

Wählen Sie den Standard-Avatar für Ihre Website. Dies wird anzeigen, wenn ein Kommentator keine Bild. Oder entfernen Sie Avatare ganz!

Weitere Merkmale

Frontend Screenshots

TYPO3 Backend-Bildschirme

Rezensionen & Bewertungen

4.5 / 5

Tobias Richter

Tobias Richter

I deal with many TYPO3 extensions as I love dealing with pre-built TYPO3 products to save time and go ahead with other valuable tasks. This extension deserves special recognition just because of the easy installation and T3Planet’s support afterward.

Jonas Krueger

Jonas Krueger

I appreciate the speed and responsiveness of the Publication Comment Extension. It doesn't slow down my website, and the comments load quickly. Hands up!

Franziska Werner

Franziska Werner

We were looking for a way to encourage engagement on our publication site, and TYPO3 Publication Comment Extension did the well. The responsive design looks great on all devices, and the custom comment forms let us capture the information we need. Very satisfied!

Frank Fried

Frank Fried

This extension is a cost-effective way to add a powerful commenting system to our TYPO3 publication site. The built-in features like comment moderation and notification options save us time and resources, Khodus to developer!

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Lebenslang Eine lebenslange Lizenz berechtigt Sie zu kostenlosen Updates und Support auf Lebenszeit. Das unter dieser Lizenz erworbene Produkt ist eine einmalige Zahlung, kein Abonnement.

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Wir freuen uns, dass Sie T3Planet kennenlernen möchten. Wenn diese Erweiterung in den nächsten 15 Tagen nicht das Richtige für Sie ist, melden Sie sich einfach bei uns! Wir erstatten Ihnen gerne 100% Ihres Geldes zurück.


TYPO3 v9, 10

Extension Key


Composer Support

composer req nitsan/ns-publication-comments

Extensions Dependencies



# 1.0.8

23rd May 2023

TASK Change composer dependencies constraint

TASK Code review & improvement

RELEASE Minor version release v1.0.8

# 1.0.7

16th Jun 2022

TASK Improve the way to check license system with EXT.ns_license

TASK Verify license only for admin logins; Ignore editor users

TASK Set bi-weekly to connect and check license server

TASK Code clean-up and improvement

RELEASE Minor version 1.0.7 release

# 1.0.6

3rd Mar 2022

RELEASE Release of v1.0.6

BUGFIX Dependencies issues fix for EXT.ns_license

# 1.0.5

29th Jul 2021

Code Improvements

# 1.0.4

14th Jun 2021

# 1.0.1

26th Mar 2021

[TODO] Initial release for the comment of the EXT: publication

[TODO] Best UI for the listing and detail page.

# 1.0.0

15th Mar 2021

[TODO] Initial release for the EXT: publication

TYPO3 Extension Installationsanleitung

T3Planet extensions generally work with all 3rd-party TYPO3 extensions from TER (TYPO3 Extensions Repository). If you come across a compatibility issue with any third-party module, we’ll help you.

If you face any technical issues, please create a ticket to receive help from our professionals.

We recommend that you perform a backup before starting the installation process to ensure that nothing can provoke a conflict.

All premium T3Planet extensions come with 1 year of free support and updates from purchase. However, if you wish to avail yourself of the benefits of lifetime free updates and support, you may switch to Lifetime Subscription anytime.

We've bifurcated it into the Annual and Lifetime models.

Annual subscription model:
The customer will get annual assurance of purchased product with free TYPO3 updates and support for a year. Your subscription will auto-renew each year until cancelled.

Lifetime subscription model:
It comes with an abundant bunch of benefits; you'll get lifetime support with lifetime product updates and lifetime product assurance. It is a one-time payment, not a subscription.

Read more about the subscription model.

Yes, we provide professional installation service at €49. You can purchase it while checking out with your purchased extension.

You can request a customisation service if you need to configure it according to your business needs.

Yes, T3Planet demonstrates their TYPO3 products and comes with a 15-day money-back guarantee.

For Trial and best user experience, all T3Planet extensions are provided for testing and demo purposes with front-end and back-end demos.

So instead of a free trial, most of our TYPO3 extensions have demos where you can see how our modules work.

For customer convenience, we provide Frontend and Live TYPO3 backend; checkout

Yes, you can install any T3Planet extension on a test site and configure all the settings there before doing it on your live store. You can easily change your domain from a staging site to a live site on your own or may contact our support team to do it for you. Also, you can use activate/de-activate license feature

By default, T3Planet offers 1 year of premium support with 15 days money-back guarantee with your purchase. If you find any kind of bug or face any trouble within our template, you can create a support ticket from here - Submit a ticket, and our team will reply to you within 1 business day.

To extend support for more than 1 year, you would be required to renew your plan to a lifetime plan.

Whenever Team T3Planet releases a new version, particularly for the TYPO3 product, you will get email information about the newly released version.

You can then update the extension from your account

Step 1. Go to NITSAN > License Management

Step 2. Click on “Check for Updates” to your purchased product.

Step 3. If new updates are available, click on your particular product's “Update to X.X.X” button.

Check out our updated version of documentation.

You can install your TYPO3 extension with the below steps.

Step 1. Download EXT.ns_license

Step 2. Go to Admin Tools > Extensions > Install EXT.ns_license extension.

Step 3. Switch to NITSAN > License Management > Add Your License Key.

Step 4. Go to Admin Tools > Extensions > Activate Your Purchased Extension.

Detailed information can be found via documentation, Read more.

Yes, For a free TYPO3 extension, you can just use the mentioned composer installation command on this page. For the premium TYPO3 extension, we provide you access to our Private TYPO3 Composer Server.

Detailed information can be found via documentation, Read more.

Our license system allows you to access, download and install your purchased TYPO3 product(s) using a "license key". We have a license policy with domain-wise authentication. That means You'll need to buy a license / per domain. For example, If you want to use our particular TYPO3 product in 3 domains, you'll need to purchase a 3-domain license.

Support on the subscription is provided only for the account for which you purchased a subscription i.e Annual or Lifetime. If the modules are on another account, they will not be supported.

We have detailed documentation for every TYPO3 product, please click on the documentation link on this page which will lead you to our official documentation.

We take care well of the backend usability of all the TYPO3 products. You can find all the details like installation, configuration, and usage in our documentation. Yes, with our extended support service, our TYPO3 experts also train and help our customers to get familiar with and get used to the TYPO3 backend.

Yes, According to our vision, all the TYPO3 products are compatible with the current and last TYPO3 LTS version.

You can easily transfer your license key from one domain to a new domain. Please follow our De-activate/activate license feature at Documentation.

If you want to set up your purchased TYPO3 product at your local, staging, or testing server then please send us information at Submit Your Ticket.

There is no need to pay any additional cost after purchasing our products. But in case you need our installation or customization services, a fee will be required. For free products, our support will be given as the charged service.

Helpful Support Is
Always On The Line!

Reach out and get your queries or issues resolved with our expert TYPO3 support team.

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