TYPO3-Talk mit Anjali: Die Reise mit T3Planet

Willkommen bei der TYPO3 Interview-Serie! Sehen Sie sich das Interview mit Anjali Bhatt zu TYPO3 für alle an! Wir haben die TYPO3 Initiative für Führungskräfte, Freiberufler, Marketer, Entscheidungsträger etc. ins Leben gerufen. Das ultimative Ziel ist es, Menschen zu inspirieren, über das TYPO3-Ökosystem zu kommunizieren und dabei die OpenSource-Philosophie beizubehalten.

TYPO3-Talk mit Anjali: Die Reise mit T3Planet

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Willkommen zur TYPO3 Interview Serie - 26!

Liebe TYPO3 Leute, diese Woche haben wir unser eigenes T3Planet Mitglied, Anjali Bhatt bei uns für einen interessanten TYPO3 Talk! Anjali arbeitet als Marketing Managerin für T3Planet und ist seit der Gründung von T3Planet dabei. Da sie auch schon lange mit TYPO3 zu tun hat, teilt sie ihre Ansichten zu verschiedenen Aspekten mit. Ich muss sagen, es ist ein interessanter Talk!

Schnappen Sie sich eine Tasse Kaffee und erfahren Sie mehr über Anjalis Ansichten, die Geschichte und das Potenzial von TYPO3 und der Open Source-Community und wie wir gemeinsam ein besseres TYPO3-Ökosystem aufbauen können!

Lasst uns seine Reise mit TYPO3 von damals bis heute erkunden und vieles mehr!

  • Interviewee :Anjali Bhatt
  • Company : T3Planet TYPO3 Shop
  • Designation : Marketing Leader
  • Topic : Together Building a Better TYPO3 Eco-system
[Translate to German:] Sanjay Chauhan

Hey Anjali, please tell us something about yourself to our audience.

Hi Sanjay! My name is Anjali Bhatt. I'm working as digital marketing lead at T3Planet TYPO3 Shop. I've been actively involved in writing TYPO3 blogs at NITSAN and T3Planet. I love doing so because I've been a fan of TYPO3. Meeting TYPO3 is the best thing that has happened to me.

[Translate to German:] Sanjay Chauhan

First question, How did you initially get involved with TYPO3?

I initiated my career journey at NITSAN TYPO3 Agency as Business Development Executive. 

NITSAN has been working with TYPO3 since 2010. They've been active contributors in terms of knowledge, marketing, sponsorship, expert talks, core development, organizing TYPO3 sprints, camps, sessions, and whatnot!

I stepped into the TYPO3 world by spreading and rewarding end customers about adapting with TYPO3 CMS and writing TYPO3 knowledge-sharing articles.

It's been around 5 years and I've been overwhelmed by TYPO3 CMS and Community. Each minor or major effort/contribution towards TYPO3 CMS makes me happy!

[Translate to German:] Sanjay Chauhan

How do you contribute to TYPO3? How does your company encourage open source business practices?

Being with NITSAN for half a decade as of now and ever since I initiated my career journey, I'm very glad how different teams as Development, Marketing, QA at NITSAN are gladly contributing to TYPO3. 

We people at NITSAN and T3Planet contribute by,

  • Sponsoring TYPO3 Events and conferences
  • Participating actively as expert speakers at events
  • Developing and sharing extensions at TER
  • Contributing to TYPO3.org
  • Content and Marketing contribution
  • Conducting TYPO3 Sprints, Camps, and Sessions
  • TYPO3 Knowledge sharing by writing TYPO3 articles, blogs, and tutorials
  • TYPO3 awareness locally and at universities.
  • And whatnot!

It's so pleasing to see that each and every person has room for TYPO3 contributions and NITSAN supports them financially and motivationally. I whole heartily appreciate it.

[Translate to German:] Sanjay Chauhan

As a TYPO3 Professional, What was your biggest challenge to building your TYPO3 business? Do you have any special tips & tricks for TYPO3 business people?

Well, answering this question, we have clients worldwide and many of them are not much familiar with TYPO3 CMS and the potential it holds. Also looking from a customer’s mindset they’d compare the solution with other available CMS such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc. Frankly, it becomes a bit difficult to convince and actually make them believe the potential of TYPO3 CMS as it is not that familiar as a product. This is where I do feel the comparisons play a good role for customers and decision-makers to actually understand each and every factor why TYPO3 could be the best solution for them.

I do believe that TYPO3 needs more awareness for people to actually get aware of its greatness.

[Translate to German:] Sanjay Chauhan

Can you give us a sneak peek of TYPO3's future visions?

Being a marketing person, I’ve been keenly observing the efforts that are constantly made and they seem to be reflected in the upcoming TYPO3 version 11. The list being too long to mention here, all I can say is that TYPO3 is getting stronger and feature-wise richer with amazing new features such as multi-factor authentication, numerous rich features for backend users. TYPO3 has always stepped ahead with a defined roadmap bringing new exciting functions in your way.

[Translate to German:] Sanjay Chauhan

TYPO3 is 20+ years old OpenSource CMS, Although we have very little CMS Marketshare. eg., At present, TYPO3 0.6%, WordPress 63.6%. In your personal opinion, What do you think about what we majorly missed in TYPO3 journey?

Somehow, in my opinion, TYPO3 missed marketing worldwide, however, a definite area of the world is in love with TYPO3 but still, its wonders are yet unaware of a major part of the globe.

IMHO, apart from worldwide awareness, I guess TYPO3 is not missing anything in its journey of 23 years!

TYPO3 cannot please everyone, but TYPO3 continues to serve most of the best websites worldwide compared to other CMS platforms.

Now looking at the numbers, with a current market share of 0.6% in CMS World, there is a decrease in the number of TYPO3’s market share since 2011, i.e from 0.6% to 0.3% in 2021. It’s probably fairly safe to say that TYPO3’s current growth isn’t explosive. But it’s there, though, for sure. 

But according to my perspective Market Share is not the primary factor based on which a platform can be judged. I agree with Jochen’s statement,

“The market share varies a lot by country. According to cmscrawler.com, there is a 14% market share in Austria, 11% in Germany, and even 43% in Rwanda. In terms of marketing, we should have more visibility for which projects TYPO3 has been chosen and why.”

The web has itself made massive developments over the last five years, but platforms such as WordPress are seemingly “stuck” in the era of Web 2.0 (and that’s not a plus sign) with simple features but lacks the core important functionality that a complex business needs for its the solution. TYPO3 is now taking steps to adopt the latest technologies with the release of TYPO10 and with plans to further this with the upcoming arrival of TYPO3 version 11.

TYPO3 doesn’t actively look to compete with simple site-building tools, though it’s still entirely possible to use it as one. It’s a beast of a CMS. We’d go so far as to say that it has mastered the art of content management, what with the advancements made in the present version, and is now prepared to start taking on new, bigger things.

From here on, TYPO3 should be known less as a CMS, and more as an infrastructure development and delivery tool for websites and other web applications.

[Translate to German:] Sanjay Chauhan

What do you think of the global expansion of TYPO3? What do you feel the TYPO3 OpenSource Eco-system needs most?

TYPO3 + World Wide Exposure = Flourishment!

We have been in touch with multinational giant brands, they loved the TYPO3 CMS platform for their websites, unfortunately, they weren’t aware of it. 

On knowing and learning about TYPO3 many companies have migrated to TYPO3 due to its rich enterprise features and many of them are developing their websites in India with TYPO3 CMS. This multi-nature facility of this platform makes it very interesting and amazing to use among the developers as well as the people in India.

Enterprise and large companies are looking for a reliable solution for which they don’t need to rely on a third person and manage their website easily by themself on a TYPO3 platform as TYPO3 gives them freedom of change and content management being a true epitome of CMS.

TYPO3 holds the potential to stand out of the Market for its extensive richness. Although WordPress is popular in India it is limited to its functionalities and doesn’t provide the enterprise-level features and core that TYPO3 CMS provides. TYPO3 may be ideal for blogging but IMHO cannot compete with the platform richness of TYPO3 and that’s the reason we believe TYPO3 CMS needs more exposure and marketing.

Adaption to the use of TYPO3 by a vivid amount of the public would lead to updates and improvements that envisaged to be made, which options and features are going to be removed and added, changed, or modified. 

When it comes to choosing a content management system, nothing beats TYPO3. And it’s not surprising that already 50,00,000 websites are using the platform. From cost-effectiveness to the easy learning curve in terms of the usage and customization processes, from multilingual support to GPL licensed nature, the range of the pluses of TYPO3 seems to have no end.

Naturally, while being the number 1 solution for millions of website owners and admins, TYPO3 CMS has never been a static environment. Constant updates and the processing, introduction, and usage of novelties have always been a part of its operation. And this is pretty natural. Everything is done to make this excellent platform even more refined and improved. 

I trust exposure to more minds would lead to more participation in the TYPO3 community as contributors for the betterment of a golden TYPO3 tomorrow. More acceptance, more contribution in terms of TYPO3 extensions at TER, participation in TYPO3 sprints, TYPO3 events, and to the core. 

More challenges ultimately lead to a better system. TYPO3 being a great CMS needs more helping hands and talents to flourish.

IMHO, speaking of Asia, people are open to trials, challenges, and contributions, they just need a worthy system to adapt to and contribute. We believe that TYPO3 globalization would lead to an emerging TYPO3 market open up with innumerable opportunities with the requirements and challenges we’ve not even thought of!

[Translate to German:] Sanjay Chauhan

As we are managing T3Planet, TYPO3 Shop, What do you think about the t3planet.com? What are some key factors & characteristics that would attract you?

T3Planet is indeed the first-ever TYPO3 Shop! Thanks a lot and great luck guys for the initiative to fill the long-awaited void of sharing, caring, and earning with TYPO3.

Talking about the T3Planet TYPO3 Shop, it has a massive collection of TYPO3 templates, TYPO3 extensions, TYPO3 blogs, TYPO3 tutorials, TYPO3 job portal, TYPO3 customizations, and whatnot! 

They are the key factors that make T3Planet a one-stop destination for everything related to TYPO3 you need and beyond to work with. 

Moreover, the pricing structure is brilliant, and unlimited commercial licenses to content across the platform have been one of the largest drivers of productivity for me in 2021. Compared to custom TYPO3 website development, adapting with TYPO3 templates is much more pocket-friendly as customization-wise feasible and flexible.

The support team at T3Planet is just awesome, they go an extra mile to help you with support and knowledge, also not to miss on top of documentation they provide screen dump instructions for every case if you get stuck.

I’d recommended T3Planet worth trying once.

Great going guys, lots of love and good luck to you!

[Translate to German:] Sanjay Chauhan

There are extensions, multilingual, multisite enterprise CMS, ease of use, among all these, what attributes for the TYPO3 success?

Difficult to mention a single attribute but I feel ELTS support, security robustness, multilingual, multisite, and extensive community support are some of the key features that stand out of the box!

[Translate to German:] Sanjay Chauhan

Who is your open source mentor/hero? Can you name some people (at least 5) whom you follow to get knowledge and updates of the TYPO3?

My mentor, yes you Sanjay Chauhan, has been my guru since day 1 has helped me learn and adapt to TYPO3 CMS and open source contributions very patiently. Being profound with TYPO3 CMS it’s lucky to have a mentor that teaches something new every day.

Next my TYPO3 gurus are,

[Translate to German:] Sanjay Chauhan

What are some places, blogs, and online communities you would recommend to our readers that you think are the best places to get help about TYPO3?

[Translate to German:] Sanjay Chauhan

Do you think TYPO3 still needs more active contributors? Especially in awareness, branding, and marketing. Also, can you suggest some ideas on how TYPO3 could be expanded globally?

Yes, even though responsible departments are working hard on it but the more the better and faster results ;) I do believe TYPO3 needs more contributors, especially to make documentation, knowledge sharing resources, sprint participation, and worldwide awareness is something we can do easily.

[Translate to German:] Sanjay Chauhan

Last but not least, Apart from TYPO3, What're the things you love to do?

In my spare time, I love spending quality time with my family, friends, and my furry dog! I love painting, exploring nature, and reading books.

Hallo Anjali, vielen Dank, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast, dieses Interview zu führen und deine Ansichten mit uns zu teilen.

Wenn auch du deine Ansichten über das TYPO3-Ökosystem und die TYPO3-Open-Source-Community mit uns teilen möchtest, bist du herzlich willkommen. Wir danken allen Post Status-Lesern und freuen uns, Sie beim nächsten Interview wiederzusehen. Bis dahin bleiben Sie dran für das nächste spannende T3Interview :)

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