10 Must Have TYPO3 Extensions for Editors - Series 3

Welcome again to TYPO3 Extensions T3Popular Series 3! Thanks for staying tuned to our T3Popular series, if you’re new here, we have initiated a T3Popular Series for TYPO3 developers, integrators, editors, etc.,

10 Must Have TYPO3 Extensions for Editors - Series 3

Welcome again to TYPO3 Extensions T3Popular Series 3!

Thanks for staying tuned to our T3Popular series, if you’re new here, we have initiated a T3Popular Series for TYPO3 developers, integrators, editors, etc.,

Are you excited to explore which are the most popular TYPO3 Extension for TYPO3 Editors? And here we go!

Note: Following the extensions list been prepared based on downloads, popularity in the community, and our decade of TYPO3 experience.

“Wait… Before you check out the extensions list, Let’s give big hands to all authors & their TYPO3 agencies who are contributing their time & money by developing and maintaining these great TYPO3 extensions for TYPO3 Community. Of course, our hats-off to all extensions developers who are in not this list, but continuously contributing to TYPO3 with heartily give back to the TYPO3 community”.

Let’s go to check the most powerful TYPO3 extensions ever for TYPO3 Editors!

Although it’s a new TYPO3 extension and seems to look very-promising as an Email marketing tool in TYPO3.

Just build and send newsletters to your customers. This extension does not need EXT:lux but works together with the marketing automation tool for TYPO3 to get even more receiver analytics data. Just add some HTML as content for your newsletters anywhere on the web or directly on your website, parse it and go for it.


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Do you want to smoothly integrate comment feature in your favorite News extension?

It is an extension that facilitates the visitor to post a comment on specific news, answer to the comments. Comments are the ideal way to deal and stay in touch with your visitors and adherences.

In this extension, there are features like post comment, reply to a comment, multi-level comment thread, moderation, etc.




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When TYPO3’s most popular TYPO3 extensions meet together News + Yoast SEO.


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The Slug backend module is designed to help manage large amounts of slugs for pages and extension records.

Currently, it provides a simple list for pages and custom records, which can be filtered with different parameters.

Slugs can be edited and saved quickly and efficiently. The modules regenerate or save all slugs of the current list view with just one click.


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This extension provides scheduler tasks to communicate with social networks. Currently, the supported platforms are Facebook and Twitter. The following tasks are provided:

  • Tweet link to a news post on Twitter
  • Fetch follower count of a twitter user
  • Fetch likes count of a Facebook Page


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One of the dream projects of the TYPO3 community. Enabling editors to work with the content in the most intuitive way possible.


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This extension extends “news” (http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/news) with additional event functionality. This includes additional fields and an extra view to display a calendar.


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Important: TYPO3 v10 has built-in redirects backend module. For TYPO3 other TYPO3 versions, you could use this popular redirect TYPO3 extension module.


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This extension gives you the possibility to force secure passwords from your BE users.

You can set up the password patterns like e.g. capitals, digits, etc. and a minimal length of the password. After activating the extensions, your BE users must fit the patterns and the length of the password to save a new one!

You can set a reminder to let the users remind you of changing their password.


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This extension brings the content analyzer tools from YoastSEO to the interface of TYPO3 CMS.

Content analysis can generate interesting metrics about a text and give you an assessment that can be used to improve the text. Besides that, you can set a focus keyword for every page.

The content analyzer takes this into account and lets you know if your copy uses it properly.


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Ultimate FAQ TYPO3 Extension is an easy-to-use and customizable extension to shape and display on your website a list of the most frequent customer questions with answers. Informative and easy-to-navigate FAQ extension helps to anticipate clients’ inquiries and reduce the time and cost of the Support team.

Using this FAQ may also help share more details about your products and services, focus attention on their benefits, and eliminate any possible misconceptions and doubts to increase your sales.

  • Above mentioned TYPO3 extensions may useful to TYPO3 Editors into their day-to-day TYPO3 websites.
  • There are many other TYPO3 extensions available for TYPO3 Editors at TER (TYPO3 Extensions Repository).

Which are your favorite TYPO3 extensions as a TYPO3 Editor? We will happy to know at below comment box.

Meanwhile you can check out series: 1 and 2 - 15 Best TYPO3 Extensions For Integrators and Top 10 Popular TYPO3 Extensions For Developers

Stay tuned for more such interested TYPO3 Blog series!

Would you prefer a Ready-made template(s) or a Custom one for TYPO3?

  • 200+Developed custom TYPO3 extensions
  • 90+ Score on TYPO3 SEO, speed & accessibility
  • 70+ Published free & premium TYPO3 extensions
  • 13+Years of TYPO3 experience
  • 5+Bestseller TYPO3 extensions (T3AI, Slider Revolution etc.)
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