Top 10 Popular TYPO3 Extensions For Developers: Series 1

With over 15,00+ different TYPO3 extensions available, how do you know which ones you need? This list of Top 10 most popular TYPO3 extensions for Developers will help you out.

Top 10 Popular TYPO3 Extensions For Developers: Series 1

Do you know there are more than 1500+ free TYPO3 Extensions available at TER (TYPO3 Extensions Repository)? Eager to know which are the top-rated TYPO3 Extensions?

Well, How can we judge which are Most Popular TYPO3 Extensions?

Well, we can figure it out by considering how many extensions have been downloaded by TYPO3 developers and users at two places: TYPO3 Extension Repository and Packagist.

Let’s take the example one of our TYPO3 extension [NITSAN] Twitter TYPO3 Plugin

Number of Downloads from TER

Number of Downloads from Packagist/Composer

If you are a beginner TYPO3 user or developer, then you should be more aware with TYPO3 extensions.

TYPO3 is already feature-rich OpenSource CMS, although community have many extensions which contains add-on features like;

TYPO3 Frontend Plugins
TYPO3 Backend Module
TYPO3 Templates
TYPO3 Services/APIs
So on.

TYPO3 community have cool centralized TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER) at You can get all free TYPO3 extensions.

By the way, to extend TER, we have initiated TYPO3 Shop where you can share your premium TYPO3 Extensions and Templates to make strong TYPO3 Ecosyste

Are you excited to see which are most popular TYPO3 extensions? We have categorized into different categories:

  • For TYPO3 Developers, that includes a list of TYPO3 extensions for technical implementation for backend developers.
  • For TYPO3 Users, TYPO3 Editors, TYPO3 Consultant etc. We will publish next series “Top 10 Most Popular TYPO3 Extensions for TYPO3 Users, Editors so on.,”.

Note: Following extensions list been prepared based on downloads, popularity in the community and our 10+ years of TYPO3 development experience (so not just number of downloads ;)

“Wait… Before checkout extensions list, Let’s give big hands to all authors & their TYPO3 agency who are contributing their time & money by developing and maintaining these great TYPO3 extensions for TYPO3 Community. Of course, our hats-off to all extensions developers who are not in this list, but continuously contributing to TYPO3 with heartily give back to the TYPO3 community”.

Let’s go to check most powerful TYPO3 extensions ever!

#10 Language File Editor - Easier TYPO3 Localization

Two friends, Stefan Galinski & Damjan Komlenac, developed this cool TYPO3 solution to make more life-easier to maintain TYPO3 localization.

This module serves several functions for editing of language files. The extension differs between editors and administrators with appropriate privileges. Normal users are allowed to edit only languages for which they have permission.


Extension key



#9 phpMyAdmin - Get MySQL Access within TYPO3 Backend

Andreas Beutel from mehrwert has most popular phpMyAdmin application into TYPO3 since 2004. Just install and grab whole phpMyAdmin OpenSource application within backend TYPO3 backend module.


Extension key



#8 Apache Solr for TYPO3 - Rich and Speed-up Your Site’s Search

Team DKD developed great search solution with Apache solr. Apache Solr for TYPO3 is the enterprise search server you were looking for with special features such as Faceted Search or Synonym Support and incredibly fast response times of results within milliseconds.


Extension key



#7 Site Crawler - Saves Your Time

Team AOE, developed this time-saving TYPO3 extension since 2005. TYPO3 have great inbuilt cache feature, at each time when you clear the whole cache, you will need to crawl manually the whole site at frontend. This extension will save your time by automatically crawl and index the TYPO3 site.


Extension key



#6 Static Information - Grab Quickly General Information

One more old TYPO3 extension (since 2003) from Stanislas Rolland & René Fritz, which help developers to directly integrate data like countries, languages and currencies. There are also other-language wise series extensions available eg., German language version


Extension key



#5 RealURL

Warning: This extension can be replaced from TYPO3 v9 core, because TYPO3 have now in-built speaking URL feature.

One more old TYPO3 extension (since 2004) from Dmitry Dulepov. Until TYPO3 v9, It helps a developer to make SEO-friendly URLs. We admire this great extension as it helps everyone since a year. You can use this great extension for your older TYPO3 versions.


Extension key



#4 TYPO3 CMS StyleGuide

One of the cool TYPO3 Extension from TYPO3 Core Tea It’s helping lots to keep maintain backend style guide. Know more details at


Extension key



#3 Static File Cache - Improve Speed & Performance of your TYPO3 Site

Do you want to extremely bootstrap speed and performance of your TYPO3 site? There will be no better choice then this cool TYPO3 extension from StaticFileCache Tea Basically, your whole site will be accessed with plain HTML/CSS files - to get Super-fast site.

Transparent StaticFileCache solution using mod_rewrite and mod_expires. Increase performance for static pages by a factor of 230!!


Extension key



#2 TYPO3 Console - Increase Your TYPO3 Productivity

Are you modern PHP developers and love to have productive work through command-line? Big thanks to Helmut Hummel, to developed and maintaining it. As author simply wrote in the description “A reliable and powerful command-line interface for TYPO3 CMS”. That’s it!


Extension key



#1 TYPO3 Extension Builder

And… from “Friends of TYPO3” - One of our favourite, “Extension Builder”. No matter, You are TYPO3 beginners or experts, This extension will save your time and quality. Whenever you plan to develop a new TYPO3 extension, using this extension - just a few clicks, you can quickly complete CRUD backend management. The Extension Builder helps you build and manage your Extbase based TYPO3 extensions.


Extension key



TYPO3 Extensions Compatibility Report

Last but not in the list, Our one of the TYPO3 extension which provides all the features like TYPO3 Extensions Compatibility Report, Notification of new update via Email (of new version release of TYPO3 & Extensions), System overview report etc.,


Extension key



Uuf! Such excellent TYPO3 extension’s list can be long ;)

Keep finding and trying-out such good TYPO3 Extension from TER. As you know, all such extensions help us by saving our time and money, so, don’t miss to appreciate all TYPO3 developers with donating your time or money.

At Least today, do one thing, choose one of your favourite TYPO3 developer/authors and write him special thanks notes, It will keep motivating the See you here again, by writing next “Top 10 Most Popular TYPO3 Extensions for TYPO3 Integrators, Editors, Consultant etc.,”

We will love to know, Which are your other favourite extensions? You can write down to below comment box, Thanks for reading!

Meanwhile you can check out series: 2 - 15 Best TYPO3 Extensions For Integrators.

Stay tuned for more such interested TYPO3 Blog series!

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  • 200+Developed custom TYPO3 extensions
  • 90+ Score on TYPO3 SEO, speed & accessibility
  • 70+ Published free & premium TYPO3 extensions
  • 13+Years of TYPO3 experience
  • 5+Bestseller TYPO3 extensions (T3AI, Slider Revolution etc.)
TYPO3 Extension Gig

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