TYPO3 Women & Girls rocks at TYPO3 community! Today, I’m proud to write first-time in the TYPO3 history blog about T3-Womaniya ;) Are you interested to know who the top active TYPO3 women in the community are? Here we go!
TYPO3 community always respects, appreciates, and motivates women/girls to join and contribute to the awesome TYPO3 Opensource project. Yesterday, by reading a women empowerment article, I got the idea of this blog to write a unique article on TYPO3 women. Because, here in India, I can see drastic changes as more and more women/girls are joining the IT-programming industry. Before years, IT fields were far away for Indian women. But, now the time has changed, also the TYPO3 community is getting more women empowerment.
This blog is dedicated to all TYPO3 women and girls who are working hard to give back to the TYPO3 community, and we appreciate your precise time & commitment #T3Kudos
Well, I don’t want to write why and how women empowerment is important in today’s world. But all I wish that all women and girls must participate in making better culture & community with their remarkable work! I’m always trying to connect women in TYPO3 like;
“Inspiring Women to Connect TYPO3”
While we can’t mention every gal in the TYPO3 business, the following ladies are the stars of the TYPO3 landscape. Let’s just explore who are the top active TYPO3 women contributors in the TYPO3 community. Many of them I've personally known & met at last TYPO3 events, I know their thoughts and passion about TYPO3.
Susanne Moog (Miss TYPO3 World)
No need for an introduction to Susanne (Susi), who has been part of the TYPO3 project for the last ten years. She works at TYPO3 GmbH as CTO. At the last TYPO3 developer days, It was the memorable keynote speech given by Susi and Benni. Feeling very proud, a woman leads TYPO3. In her free time, she loves reading, dancing, learning Italian, and doing code katas.
“Hail to the freaks! (private account, private opinion)”
Petra Hasenau (TYPO3 Coders.Care & Board Member)
It’s great to see, the TYPO3 association board has more women, and one of them is Petra. She is the founder and CEO of cybercraft GmbH (and Coders.Care, a project of Cybercraft GmbH), organizer of the annual TYPO3 User eXperience Week in Festenburg, has been a member of the TYPO3 Expert Advisory Board from 2017-2019, and - since 2019 - is a board member of the TYPO3 Association. She's been attending as many community events as possible - to spread the word and because, as she puts it: "the TYPO3 Community rocks!"
Sybille Peters (Queen of TYPO3 Documentation)
Sybille is one of the most active contributors to the TYPO3 documentation team. She works at the university Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg as a developer. She joined the TYPO3 Documentation Team in 2018. Sybille is an open-source enthusiast and a big fan of the TYPO3 community.
“developer & human being. Interested in many things but tweets mostly about tech, sustainability, and collaboration.”
Anja Leichsenring (TYPO3 Core Warrior)
Anja is very committed within the TYPO3 community and can be often be found at events. Her special focus is on the extension development with Extbase and Fluid. Anja has been working as a senior developer for typovision GmbH since September 2013. In addition, she holds training courses for the typovision academy with a focus on extension development with TYPO3 Extbase and Fluid. Anja is an active TYPO3 core contributor, prepares code sprints, rides fast motorcycles and plays acoustic guitar.
Heather McNamee (Passionate TYPO3 Lady)
Heather is one of the authors of the official TYPO3 Guidebook. She is a very active TYPO3 contributor and writes many articles at typo3.org. Heather McNamee, Open Strategy Partners, is technical communication and marketing professional with an MSc in Learning and Technology. Read her thoughts on our recent TYPO3 Interview at T3Planet.
“I help people who make things tell other people how to use those things to do stuff that matters. I tend to “like” a lot of stuff, sorry in advance. she/her.”
Rachel Foucard (Elected TYPO3 Association Member)
Rachel is also another member of the TYPO3 association board. She is Technical Manager of W-Seils agency which is specialized in TYPO3 CMS and has been running the French TYPO3 community for several years with different roles TYPO3 France Committee Leader, Structured Content TYPO3 Initiative Co-Leader, Form Framework TYPO3 Initiative Member.
“#TYPO3 Association Board member, @TYPO3France committee leader, #StructuredContentInitiative co-leader”
Karen Falkenberg (Smiley TYPO3 GDPR Woman)
Karen has been a TYPO3 contributor for many years, the TYPO3 community appreciates her great contribution to the legal matter (GDPR) of TYPO3.
2003 Self-employed, the founding of Computer-Zauber: IT projects, IT training, and websites
2006 Start Working with TYPO3
2010 First appointments as a data protection officer
2018 Additional training as data protection officer according to DSC standard (including GDPR)
2018 Data Protection Officer of the TYPO3 Association and TYPO3 GmbH
“One of the Oldest TYPO3 Woman”
Luisa Sofie Faßbender (Lead TYPO3 Marketing Team)

Luisa is a leader of the TYPO3 Marketing team. Project manager & blogger @mfc_dus | TYPO3 Marketing Team Lead | TCCC & TCCE | Festival Enthusiast | Unicorn face
“TYPO3 Marketing Team Lead”
Irene Sacchi (Perfectionist TYPO3 UX Designer)
Irene is one of the active TYPO3 contributors for an awesome feature of TYPO3 v10 - Dashboard. She is a UX and Motion Designer at strich-komma. She has lived in Germany since 2009 and is a UX-expert member of the TYPO3 dashboard initiative. Language, emotions, applications, and design are forms of communication used for engaging both humans and machines. Her wide field of interest and experience led Irene to develop problem-solving-solutions with a focus on user experience and emotional design.
“UX/UI Designer of TYPO3 Dashboard Initiative”
Anjali Bhatt (Enthusiast TYPO3 Blogger)
Last one, Anjali, my colleague & friend who writes great TYPO3 blogs. Since a year, It's been my pleasure to work with her, feeling proud to see how she writes an awesome blog about the TYPO3 community, business, eco-system, etc.
Anjali is Digital Marketing Specialist for T3Terminal, TYPO3 Marketplace venture as well as she serves Business development service for TYPO3 Agency, NITSAN. She writes regularly about TYPO3 & the latest business trends for TYPO3. Anjali enjoys contributing blog posts, building tutorials, and researching about all TYPO3 and new innovations.
“One of the active TYPO3 blogger woman”
Thanks for reading this special blog, I hope you found it interesting - worth sharing with your TYPO3 network.
Many TYPO3 women and girls have already joined the TYPO3 community, I hope more women will join to make a wonderful culture of the community.
By the way, Who’s your favorite TYPO3 women? Did I miss any major one? Please write the comment box below.
Sanjay Chauhan
CTO - T3Planet & NITSANSanjay Chauhan, Mitbegründer von NITSAN (Preisgekrönte TYPO3 Agentur) und Pionier von T3Planet, dem ersten TYPO3 Shop weltweit.
Ein wahrer TYPO3-Fanatiker seit 2010.
Mit meinem umfangreichen technischen Wissen und…
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Sanjay Chauhan
CTO at T3Planet & NITSANSanjay Chauhan, Co-Founder of NITSAN (Award winning TYPO3 agency) and Pioneer of T3Planet (first-ever TYPO3 Shop).
A true TYPO3 fanatic since 2010. I bring strong TYPO3 experience in building customer-business…
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