How to Create One Page TYPO3 Site? (Using TypoScript)

Do you want to create one page TYPO3 site? This little TypoScript tutorial will help you to easily create one page TYPO3 site with best backend usability.

Step 1. Create menu with #Hash-tag

<!-- At your TypoScript Menu or Fluid DataProcessing Template -->
<a href="#{item.title}">{item.title}</a>

Step 2. Prepare TypoScript Object to Render All Pages

// TypoScript Object to get all pages content
lib.onePageScrollContent = CONTENT
lib.onePageScrollContent {
    table = pages
    select {
        languageField = sys_language_uid
        pidInList = {$}
        where = nav_hide = 0
        orderBy = sorting
    renderObj = COA
    renderObj {
        5 = TEXT
        5 {
            field = title
            htmlSpecialChars = 1
            wrap = <section id="|">
   = lower
            stdWrap.replacement {
                10 {
                    search.char = 32
                    replace.char = 45
                15 {
                    search = /
                    replace = 

        20 = CONTENT
        20 {
            table = tt_content
            select {
                languageField = sys_language_uid
                pidInList.field = uid
                orderBy = sorting
                where = colPos = 0
            stdWrap.wrap = |</section>
            stdWrap.wrap.insertData = 1

Step 3. Render TypoScript Object at Fluid Template

// Fluid rendering for home and all pages content
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.content"/>
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.onePageScrollContent"/>

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