Do you want to use most popular PHP Deployer in TYPO3 project? Follow these guide to Install Deployer, Configure Hosts, TYPO3 PHP Deployer code.
Step 1. Install PHP Deployer
// Download latest PHP Deployer
curl -LO
// Switch to root user + Move to bin to access "dep" command
sudo -s
mv deployer.phar /usr/local/bin/dep
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dep
// Verify the installation
dep --version
Step 2. Configure PHP Deployer Hosts.yml
# Create .hosts.yaml at root of your project
# Configure Staging Server
user: username
stage: staging
branch: staging
identity_file: ~
deploy_path: /var/www/your/path/
# Configure Production Server
user: username
stage: production
branch: master
identity_file: ~
deploy_path: /var/www/your/path/
Step 3. Prepare TYPO3 Deploy.php
// Create deploy.php at root of your project
namespace Deployer;
require 'recipe/common.php';
# Project name
set('application', 'project');
# Define Git-Repository
set('repository', '');
# [Optional] Allocate tty for git clone. Default value is false.
set('git_tty', true);
# Set maxium releases backup
set('keep_releases', 5);
# Set Server
# DocumentRoot / WebRoot for the TYPO3 installation
set('typo3_webroot', 'public');
# Main TYPO3 task
task('deploy', [
])->desc('Deploy your project');
after('deploy', 'success');
# Shared directories
set('shared_dirs', [
# Shared files
set('shared_files', [
# Writeable directories
set('writable_dirs', [
# [Optional] if deploy fails automatically unlock.
after('deploy:failed', 'deploy:unlock');
Step 4. Done! Go ahead to deploy.
dep deploy
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