Are you looking for automatic & modern TYPO3 Deployment? Then, you are in the correct place. In this article, You will learn the step-by-step guide TYPO3 deploy with CI/CD approach for beginners to intermediate TYPO3 developers.
In the modern TYPO3 development era, Are you still developing and deploying your TYPO3 project with a tool like SFTP? Then, my friend, You should consider learning and implement TYPO3 deploy techniques. Trust me; your life will be much better, more comfortable with TYPO3 development, deployment, and maintenance.
Just imagine the situation, you are working on one TYPO3 project and completed many features, now you want to go live or staging servers for your customers - How’s that hectic?
But to save your time, with the most famous PHP deployer tool. As a PHP developer, you should be a product of such an excellent CI/CD deployment tool that built-in PHP language. It shows the limitless power of PHP.
With a Deployer, You just need to run one command to deploy everything automatically.
// Just run to deploy your TYPO3 website to the server
dep deploy
Isn't’ it cool, huh? Then, without waiting, Let’s get started to learn, explore, and implement modern TYPO3 deployment.
What is TYPO3 Deployer?
PHP (Deployer) is a very convenient and fantastic tool for the deployment of any PHP based applications easily. Deployer is an open-source application, and it is available for free of cost. A portion of the known platforms it supports are MVC/CMS is, TYPO3, Laravel, CakePHP, Codeigniter, Drupal, and some more.
Deployer accompanies a simple set up procedure, and it requires minimal effort to learn. Anybody with some programming and coding ability can undoubtedly begin creating scripts with PHP Deployer. Aside from that, Deployer has a vast community network that serves a lot of the pre-prepared scripts to utilise contents (Deployer plans) to begin working with.
Features of TYPO3 Deployer
- The simple setup process and a minimal learning curve
- Ready to use recipes for most frameworks
- Parallel execution without extensions
- Did something go wrong? Rollback to the previous release
- Agentless, it’s just SSH.
- Zero downtime deployments
Classic vs Modern TYPO3 Deployment
Classic TYPO3 Deployment, It means, You are still working old-school ways to create the TYPO3 website at the local server and manually uploading your code/files through SFTP.
Modern TYPO3 Deployment means you improved your self with advanced concepts of CI (continuous integration) / CD (continuous deployment).
The TYPO3 Deployer works - To automatically deploy your TYPO3 website from GIT to SERVER.
How to Install and Configure TYPO3 Deployer?
You can install and configure a TYPO3 deploy in many ways at your application level (using PHP PHAR file) or a global scale level.
Good thing, PHP Deployer community also include “TYPO3” CMS as part of the core with providing ready-to-go TYPO3 deploy.
For the beginning, Let’s install and configure it globally with the below steps.
Pre-Requisites for TYPO3 Deployment Tool
- PHP >= 7.3
- Setup your TYPO3 site with GIT like Giteffortlesslab, Github, etc.
- SSH Access of your Staging, Production, etc. server
Option 1. Download Deployer phar archive (recommended for Beginner)
To install Deployer as phar archive, run the following commands:
curl -LO
mv deployer.phar /usr/local/bin/dep
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dep
Option 2. Source Composer Deployer installation
// To install Deployer source version with Composer, run the command:
composer require deployer/deployer --dev
// You can also install it globally:
composer global require deployer/deployer
Option 3. Distribution Composer Deployer Installation
To install the Deployer distribution version with Composer, run the command:
composer require deployer/dist --dev
// Let’s have quick test-drive
dep --version
How to Deploy TYPO3?
Now without much waiting, Let’s have a practical example with a step-by-step guide of TYPO3 Deploy as below.
Step 1. Configure TYPO3 Servers and Stages
At your root of the project, Create .hosts.yaml file with below settings.
// .hosts.yaml
// Configure your TYPO3 staging site
stage: staging
branch: staging
user: username
identityFile: ~
deploy_path: /var/www/yourpath
// Configure your TYPO3 production site
stage: production
branch: master
user: username
identityFile: ~
deploy_path: /var/www/yourpath
Step 2. Prepare TYPO3 Deploy
At your root folder of the project, Create deploy.php file as below which is a working example of the TYPO3 deployer. It’s effortless and easy to understand each step.
namespace Deployer;
# Call default recipe
require 'recipe/common.php';
# Project name
set('application', 'your-typo3-site');
# Define Git-Repository
set('repository', '');
# [Optional] Allocate tty for git clone. The default value is false.
set('git_tty', true);
# Set maximum releases backup
set('keep_releases', 5);
# To solve this issue: Can't detect http user name. Please set up the `http_user` config parameter.
# set('http_user', 'www-data');
# set('writable_mode', 'chmod');
# set('use_relative_symlink', '0');
# Set Server
# DocumentRoot / WebRoot for the TYPO3 installation
set('typo3_webroot', 'public');
# Shared directories
set('shared_dirs', [
# Shared files
set('shared_files', [
# Writeable directories
set('writable_dirs', [
# Main TYPO3 task
task('deploy', [
])->desc('Deploy your project');
after('deploy', 'success');
# [Optional] If the deployment fails automatically unlock.
after('deploy:failed', 'deploy:unlock');
Above example, TYPO3 deployment code is well-tested with TYPO3 v10 and Composer-based TYPO3 Installation. Please do require changes to make it compatible with your other kind of TYPO3 installation.
Step 4. That’s it, Now let’s Deploy TYPO3!
// Run this command as test-drive deployment to your TYPO3 staging site
dep deploy staging
Aha, Are you getting SSH authentication errors?
No problem! One thing you need to understand, Deployer is a bridge to connect your Git repository and your Server. Let’s configure SSH authentication for your Git and Server.
Step 1. Generate SSH Key at your local server (if you don’t have)
Step 2. Let’s put your SSH keys to the staging and production server
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/
Step 3. Configure SSH key to Git
For example, in Gitlab, go to and add your staging and production server’s public key.
Ready-to-use TYPO3 Deployment Packages
The good thing is that some people are trying to develop and maintain TYPO3 deployer packages as below. You should try and take advantage of such ready-made TYPO3 deployment packages.
#1 TYPO3 Deployer Toolkit (from Oliver Hader)
Oliver Hader - The head of the TYPO3 security team initiated the TYPO3 deployer toolkit with a wide range of options available for automise TYPO3 deploy.
// Install TYPO3 deployer toolkit
composer req --dev oliver-hader/typo3-deployer
// Configure deploy.php & .host.yml
// Deploy your TYPO3 project
vendor/bin/dep deploy production
#2 TYPO3 Deployer Information (by Thomas Löffler)
The man - Thomas Löffler developed a cool TYPO3 extension to Show information about the last deployment in the system information toolbar - in TYPO3 backend.
// Install EXT:deployer_information
composer req spooner/deployer-information
// How to configure your deployment
// You don't need to do anything. The extension looks for the default folder and files of a release.
#3 TYPO3 Deployer Recipe (from Helmut Hummel)
Helmut Hummel created a recipe for TYPO3 deploy. There is no documentation available, But as just like other projects of Helmut, it should be awesome, Try it :)
Deployer Extended for TYPO3 (from Sourcebroker)
Sourcebroker, One of the very active guys on TYPO3 deployer, they have created an excellent solution for the TYPO3 deployer for code, database, media-assets, etc. I have given a quick try, and it works fantastic.
This package serves a deploy task to deploy TYPO3 CMS with deployer (
- sourcebroker/deployer-extended a package that gives some deployer tasks that can be utilised for any CMS
- sourcebroker/deployer-broadened-database package that offers some PHP structure independent of synchronising databases between various instances.
- sourcebroker/deployer-extended-media package which gives some PHP structure separate of the task to synchronise media between multiple instances
// Installation deployer-extended-typo3
composer require sourcebroker/deployer-extended-typo3
// Put below code at beginning of your deploy.php
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/sourcebroker/deployer-loader/autoload.php');
new \SourceBroker\DeployerExtendedTypo3\Loader();
// Run deploy
dep deploy beta
Working Example of TYPO3 Deployment
namespace Deployer;
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/sourcebroker/deployer-loader/autoload.php');
new \SourceBroker\DeployerExtendedTypo3\Loader();
set('repository', '');
set('bin/php', '/home/www/t3base10-public/.bin/php');
set('web_path', 'public/');
->set('branch', 'master')
->set('public_urls', [''])
->set('deploy_path', '/home/www/t3base10-public/live');
->set('branch', 'master')
->set('public_urls', [''])
->set('deploy_path', '/home/www/t3base10-public/beta');
->set('deploy_path', getcwd())
->set('vhost_nocurrent', true)
->set('public_urls', ['']);
// provides default installation view with the least information
dep deploy -v
// provides some more details as compared with the default mode
dep deploy -vv
// provides a detailed view of the installation output
dep deploy -vvv
#2 How to TYPO3 Deploy a Particular Stage?
As we have seen above TYPO3 deploy example, you can configure multiple deployments with staging, production, etc.,
// To deploy to the TYPO3 staging server
dep deploy stage
// To deploy to the TYPO3 production server
dep deploy production
#3 Is there a way to rollback TYPO3 Deployment?
Yeah, the Deployer tool is incredible; you can quickly deploy it with a simple rollback command.
// Rollback your last run TYPO3 deploy
dep rollback
#4 Release Management for TYPO3 Deploy
The deployer created several releases folder using the keep_releases task.
// Keep maxim five release and other will old-releases keep deleted
set('keep_releases', 5);
// To clean-up all old releases
dep cleanup
#5 Available Deployer Recipes
PHP Deployers have a great community who continually prepare recipes for the deployment.
// Install all Deployer Recipes
composer require deployer/recipes --dev
// Include particular recipes in your Deploy.php
require 'recipe/typo3.php';
#6 Zero Downtime TYPO3 Deployment
#7 Keep up-to-date Deployer
Deployer community continuously releases new versions, Keep exploring and stay update-to-date deployer with simple below commands.
// To update the minor version of the Deployer run,
dep self-update
// To update the Deployer to major release version run,
dep self-update --upgrade
#8 Advanced Automize = Deployer + Git Releases Management
I suggest you integrate the deployer to Git release manager to implement a CI/CD approach fully. Example, If you are using Gitlab;
Step 1. Prepare .gitlab-ci.yml with configuring PHP deployer installation, configuration, etc.
Step 2. Also, insert dep deploy command setup into Gitlab-CI file.
Step 3. So, Whenever you release the tag, it will automatically deploy your TYPO3 site to the server.
In future, I’ll surely write down such step-by-step guide separate blog, stay tuned by subscribing our TYPO3 blog.
Thanks for reading the article.
I hope you liked and learned the deployment way of TYPO3 + Deployer. Here are some conclusion points.
- Understand the underlying architecture of the Deployer tool, eg.; It’s deployed from GIT to SERVER.
- Install and configure to start using the "dep" command.
- Prepare your first TYPO3 deploy project to test-drive at your staging server (and keep practice).
- Learn the structure of deploy.php so in the future, and you can adapt it according to your needs.
- I highly recommend giving a try to ready-to-use TYPO3 deploy packages.
Are you facing any issues while installing, configuring, and testing your TYPO3 deployer project? I’ll be happy to answer any questions in the comment box.
Have a Happy TYPO3 Deployment!
Sanjay Chauhan
CTO at T3Planet & NITSANSanjay Chauhan, Co-Founder of NITSAN (Award winning TYPO3 agency) and Pioneer of T3Planet (first-ever TYPO3 Shop).
A true TYPO3 fanatic since 2010. I bring strong TYPO3 experience in building customer-business…
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