TYPO3 + CKEditor: Everything You Need To Know

The world’s most popular CKEditor has been integrated into TYPO3 and it was one of the great decisions. Here, I want to guide from basic to advanced level CKEditor integration and customization into TYPO3 CMS.

TYPO3 + CKEditor: Everything You Need To Know

The world’s most popular CKEditor has been integrated into TYPO3 and it was one of the great decisions. Here, I want to guide you from basic to advanced level CKEditor integration and customization into TYPO3 CMS.

CKEditor helps TYPO3 programmers and editors compared to old so-called htmlArea RTE editors. Since a TYPO3 v8, CKEditor is part of the TYPO3 core by replacing old RTE.

Let's get started with a step-by-step guide on TYPO3 CKEditor! Learn about setup, configurations,,`, customization, installing TYPO3 plugins, and much more. This guide covers rich text editor features, CKEditor 5, and HTML text editor options.

CKEditor is an enterprise-grade WYSIWYG HTML text editor with wide browser compatibility, including support for legacy browsers. As a powerful rich text editor, CKEditor 5 offers robust features and functionalities for seamless content creation and editing.

What can you do with CKEditor?

  • Copy/paste from Word and Excel, spell check, accessibility checker, and tables.
  • Wide range of third-party plugins eg., autocomplete, widgets, code snippets, and Plugins.
  • Better control over content: HTML filters and mode of view source code
  • Excellent accessibility: WCAG 2.0 AA and Section 508 compliant.
  • Long-term support (LTS) versions
  • Leverage CKEditor 5 for advanced HTML text editing

Read more at the official website CKEditor.com

CKEditor is a third-party feature that is ready-to-go in TYPO3 via the system extension called EXT:rte_ckeditor. TYPO3 people now have cool-editors to easily manage their content.

21.000+ tests

The automated, manual, unit, and integration tests for CKEditor 4 and CKEditor 5.

27M+ downloads

The number of CKEditor downloads. The number of users exceeds hundreds of millions

400+ plugins

The community created over 400 publicly available plugins for CKEditor 4 thanks to such an approach.

23.000+ questions

The number of StackOverflow questions related to CKEditor.

No problem, Try by your self this quick demo now CKEditor.com/CKEditor-4/demo/

The extension rte_ckeditor incorporates the features of CKEditor and adds additional functionality, configuration presets, and plugins.

Sample Key Features

  • Configurable via YAML files
  • Default three ready-to-use CKEditor preset in TYPO3
  • Flexible to modify of TYPO3 CKEditor Toolbar
  • Integrated with TYPO3 link wizard
  • Integrated most popular word count CKEditor plugin into TYPO3
  • Don’t have to fully maintain it by the TYPO3 community, Because other cool OpenSource projects are already well developed and maintained eg., CKEditor.
  • CKEditor has good cross-browser & cross-compatibility support
  • complying with the latest web accessibility standards.
  • Cool in-line editing features that help to make better Frontend inline editing
  • CKEditor includes a wide range of features such as formatting tools, spell check, and media embedding, which are not available in a basic HTML text editor.

The old htmlArea RTE has been deprecated since TYPO3 v8.

If you have an old TYPO3 website with RTE htmlArea and it’s hard to migrate to CKEditor, then no problem, you can find updates and further maintenance at FriendsOfTYPO3/rtehtmlarea

TYPO3 RTE Editing Modes

CKEditor for TYPO3 editors makes content management easy and efficient. Enjoy advanced editing features and a user-friendly interface integrated seamlessly into TYPO3.

Mode 1: Classic Article Mode

The default RTE integrated into TYPO3 backend eg., Add text element get RTE.

Mode 2: Document Editor mode

Editing is similar to using Microsoft Word or Google Docs, where the document looks like a sheet of paper. The focus is on organizing content rather than the layout itself.

Mode 3: Inline Editor mode

Unfortunately, TYPO3 does not include fantastic front-end editing projects within its core. However, you can easily access and use these powerful tools from the TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER) or can get Support for TER  to enhance your content management experience.

Basic features of CKEditor in TYPO3

For Example, if you want to bold text, Simply Select text and click on the B (for bold) button:

Example: To create a link, select the text and click on the Link button.

TYPO3 v12 introduced CKEditor 5, a completely new and rewritten editor compared to the previous CKEditor 4, which had been integrated into TYPO3 since TYPO3v8. If you have an older version of TYPO3, you need to upgrade the TYPO3 8 to 9 or higher version to utilize the benefits of CKEditor RTE.

CKEditor 5 Integration

TYPO3 v12 introduces CKEditor 5 as the default rich text editor, replacing CKEditor 4. CKEditor 5 comes with a completely new architecture and many modern features.

New Plugin System

CKEditor 5 has a new plugin system that is not compatible with CKEditor 4 plugins. This means that any custom plugins or configurations need to be rewritten to work with CKEditor 5.

CKEditor 5 Configuration Changes

This includes changes in toolbar configuration, plugin management, and other settings. Developers need to update their configurations to match the new structure.

Customizations and Extensibility

While CKEditor 5 offers advanced customization and extensibility options, the approach is different. Developers must familiarize themselves with the new ways to extend and customize the editor.

Security Enhancements

CKEditor 5 includes enhanced security features to protect against common vulnerabilities associated with rich text editors.

T3AI Co-Pilot, part of the powerful T3AI TYPO3 AI Extension, is your go-to assistant for simplifying content management within TYPO3 CMS. Designed with specialized features, T3AI Co-Pilot enhances your content creation, translation, and optimization processes directly within the TYPO3 Rich Text Editor (RTE). From drafting new content to translating it accurately and fine-tuning it for SEO, T3AI Co-Pilot helps streamline every step, making your TYPO3 experience more efficient.

Since CKEditor uses YAML for configuration, it's important to first understand the basics of YAML files.

YAML (a recursive acronym for "YAML Ain't Markup Language") is a human-readable data serialization language. It is commonly used for configuration files and in applications where data is being stored or transmitted.

It’s very simple, Try Google with some examples to learn the concept and syntax.

“Did you know?
The RTE CKEditor has not been configured in PageTSConfig TypoScript anymore, Everything is managed through cool-YAML."

Instead of a bit complicated TypoScript, TYPO3 core team and community choose to have famous well-structured YAML configurations.

  • CKEditor uses JavaScript for Integration
  • TypoScript with TSConfig is bit hard new TYPO3 integrators and developers
  • A new start for a new structure to separate processing and Editor-related configuration
  • Allow options to be extended (but no condition or unsetting values)

CKEditor has default presets to easily configure different variance, What’s preset?

  • Define editor look and layout
  • Define what tags and styles are allowed
  • Define which plugins to load
  • Define database processing RTE.proc

Default: TYPO3 CKEditor Preset

Minimal: TYPO3 CKEditor Preset

Full: TYPO3 CKEditor Preset

  • Step 1. Go to System > Configuration
  • Step 2. Choose $GLOBALS[‘TYPO3_CONF_VARS’] (Global Configuration)

JavaScript Code of CKEditor

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function(config) {
    config.toolbarGroups = [
        {name: 'basicSyles', groups: ['basicStyles']}
    config.removeButtons := 'Underline,Strike';

YAML code of CKEditor for TYPO3

            - {name: basicSyles, groups: [basicStyles]}
            - Underline
            - Strike

Yes, Of course!

  • Step 1. Go to the Page module, Click on the root page.
  • Step 2. Edit your page properties, Go to Resources tab and Page TSConfig
  • Step 3. Configure your preset, here are examples.

Default: CKEditor Preset

    default.preset = default

Full: CKEditor Preset

    default.preset = full

Minimal: CKEditor Preset

    default.preset = minimal

Override One Field

// Syntax: RTE.config.[tableName].[fieldName].preset
    config {
        tt_content {
            bodytext.preset = myFavouritePreset

Override One Field: If Type Match

// Syntax: RTE.config.tt_content.bodytext.types.textmedia.preset = minimal
    config {
        tt_content {
            bodytext {
                types {
                    textmedia.preset = myFavouritePreset

Override News Extension Field

    config {
        tx_news_domain_model_news {
            bodytext.preset = minimal

You don’t require to start and learn each property by heart. A good way to learn from the TYPO3 core’s default configuration.

Just copy TYPO3 core’s YAML /typo3/sysext/rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Default.yaml to your custom extension /yourextension/Configuration/RTE/

# typo3/sysext/rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Default.yaml

# Load default processing options
    - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Processing.yaml" }
    - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Editor/Base.yaml" }
    - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Editor/Plugins.yaml" }

# Add configuration for the editor
# For complete documentation see http://docs.CKEditor.com/#!/api/CKEditor.config

    format_tags: "p;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;pre"
      - { name: styles, groups: [ styles, format ] }
      - { name: basicstyles, groups: [ basicstyles ] }
      - { name: paragraph, groups: [ list, indent, blocks, align ] }
      - { name: links, groups: [ links ] }
      - { name: clipboard, groups: [ clipboard, cleanup, undo ] }
      - { name: editing, groups: [ spellchecker ] }
      - { name: insert, groups: [ insert ] }
      - { name: tools, groups: [ table, specialchar ] }
      - { name: document, groups: [ mode ] }
      - text-left
      - text-center
      - text-right
      - text-justify
      - justify
      - image
      - Anchor
      - Underline
      - Strike
      - Styles
  • Step 1. /typo3conf/ext_localconf.php
if (empty($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['RTE']['Presets'][MyPreset])) {
    $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['RTE']['Presets'][MyPreset] = 'EXT:yourextension/Configuration/RTE/MyPreset.yaml';

Tip: You can also add the above code into typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php

  • Step 2. /yourextension/Configuration/RTE/MyPreset.yaml
# Import basic configuration
 - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Processing.yaml" }
 - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Editor/Base.yaml" }
 - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Editor/Plugins.yaml" }

# Add configuration for the editor
# For complete documentation see http://docs.CKEditor.com/#!/api/CKEditor.config
    # Include custom CSS
    contentsCss: "EXT:yourextension/Resources/Public/Css/rte.css"
  • Step 3. Assign your Custom Preset to CKEditor RTE eg., RTE.default.preset = MyPreset at PageTS.

There are multiple options to perform Step 3 (assign custom preset to RTE) as below.

Option 1: Globally Applied with PageTSConfig

// Page > Properties > Resources > PageTS field
    default {
        preset = MyPreset

Option 2: Setup through TCA

// yourextension/Configuration/TCA/tx_yourextension_domain_model_table.php

'content' => [ 
    'label' => 'YourLabel', 
    'config' => [ 
        'type' => 'text', 
        'cols' => 48, 
        'rows' => 5, 
        'enableRichtext' => true, 
        'richtextConfiguration' => 'minimal', 

Option 3. Assign Preset to Particular Table/Field with PageTSConfig

// Page > Properties > Resources > PageTS field

// Syntax
    config {
        [table].[field].preset = default
        [table].[field].types.[type].preset = full

// Example
    config {
        tt_content {
            bodytext {
                preset = minimal
                types {
                    textmedia.preset = default
                    myfield.preset = full

In CKEditor, each button is configured in a number of toolbar group.


# yourextension/Configuration/RTE/MyPreset.yaml

# Load default processing options
    - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Processing.yaml" }
    - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Editor/Base.yaml" }
    - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Editor/Plugins.yaml" }

# Add configuration for the editor
# For complete documentation see http://docs.CKEditor.com/#!/api/CKEditor.config
        - { name: clipboard, groups: [ clipboard, cleanup, undo ] }

In the above example, the clipboard toolbar group contains three buttons. In this ways, you can configure your favorite editor :)

Explore awesome CKEditor’s UI based to get each button and toolbar at Toolbar Configurator

Many people may be wondering how we can integrate images into CKEditor. In TYPO3 CMS login, by default such a feature is not available with CKEditor. However, you can enhance your HTML rich text editor experience by adding image integration to this WYSIWYG text editor. With the right configurations, your rich text editor JS setup can support seamless image embedding, making content creation much more dynamic and visually appealing.

  • Same image handling as rtehtmlarea (magic images, usual RTE TSConfig supported)
  • Image browser as usual in e.g. FAL file selector
  • Dialog for changing width, height, alt and title (aspect ratio automatically maintained)
  • Step 1. Install TYPO3 extension EXT:rte_ckeditor_image

  • Step 2. Configuration

#1 EXT:yourextension/ext_localconf.php

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['RTE']['Presets']['default'] = 'EXT:yourextension/Configuration/RTE/MyPreset.yaml';
#2 EXT:yourextension/Configuration/RTE/MyPreset.yaml

  # Import default RTE config (for example)
  - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Default.yaml" }
  # Import the image plugin configuration
  - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor_image/Configuration/RTE/Plugin.yaml" }
# Your PageTSConfig

    # RTE default config removes image plugin - restore it:
    removePlugins: null

Step 3. Enable RTE config preset

# Page TSConfig
RTE.default.preset = MyPreset

Step 4. (Optional) Configuration

Maximum width/height
The maximum dimensions relate to the configuration for magic images which have to be set in Page TSConfig:

# Page TSConfig
RTE.default.buttons.image.options.magic {
    maxWidth = 1020  # Default: 300
    maxHeight = 800  # Default: 1000

Usage as lightbox with fluid_styled_content

# Template Constants

styles.content.textmedia.linkWrap.lightboxEnabled = 1

Allowed extensions
By default the extensions from $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']['imagefile_ext'] are allowed. However you can override this for CKEditor by adding the following to your YAML configuration:

        allowedExtensions: "jpg,jpeg,png"

1. Enable/Disable Advanced Content Filter

# yourextension/Configuration/RTE/MyPreset.yaml

# Load default processing options
    - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Processing.yaml" }
    - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Editor/Base.yaml" }
    - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Editor/Plugins.yaml" }

# Add configuration for the editor
# For complete documentation see http://docs.CKEditor.com/#!/api/CKEditor.config
        allowedContent: true

What is an Advanced Content Filter?

  • Only tags/classes/styles that are configured should be kept
  • Filter content during editing and paste
  • Enabled by default
  • Makes 'processing' config most of the times obsolete 'RTE.proc'

2. Format HTML Tags:

Format the HTML tags by selecting the desired option from a dropdown menu.

  	format_tags: "p;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;pre;address;div"

3. The Toolbar Groups

The Toolbar Groups option will help you define the layout and structure of toolbars on the top portion of the editor.

     	- { name: clipboard, groups: [clipboard, undo] }
     	- "/"
     	- { name: styles }

4 stylesSet

Provide different styles to format and customize the text in an appealing manner. You may want to use the “Styles” drop-down menu to go about the task.

  	- { name: "quote-style", element: "p", attributes: { class: "quote-style"}}
  	- { name: "Load More Button", element: "a", attributes: { class: "load-more"}}
  	- { name: "More Content", element: "div", attributes: { class: "more-content"}}

5. extraPlugins

      - address
      - label
      - address
      - label
      - text-left
      - text-center
      - text-right
      - text-justify
      - quote-style
      - justify

      - image
      - Anchor
      - Underline
      - Strike

6 contentsCss

The ContentsCSS feature allows you to define various CSS styles for direct usage and viewing in CKEditor.

7. removeButtons

RemoveButtons helps in the removal of individual functions and buttons that result due to the importing of Base.yaml.

8. Buttons and Classes Configuration

          default: 'external-link'
        allowedClasses: 'external-link'
    name: 'External Link'
    class: 'external-link'
    type: 'url'
    target: '_blank'

Add Sample Button

Step 1. /yourextension/Resources/Public/CkEditorPlugins/myplugin.js

'use strict';

(function ()) {
    CKEDITOR.plugins.add('example_plugin', {
        init: function (editor) {
            // Let's add CKEditor Icon
            // Note: Please put icon file at /Resources/Public/CkEditorPlugins/icons/mycustom.png
            icons: 'mycustom',
            // Add button to CKEditor
                label: 'My Button',
                toolbar: 'basicStyles',
                command: 'insertTimestamp'

            // Execute CKEditor Command
                exec: function (editor){
                    var now = new Date();
                    editor.insertHtml (
                        'The current date and time is: <em>' + now.toString() + '</em>'

Step 2. /yourextension/Configuration/RTE/MyPreset.yaml

# Load default processing options
    - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Default.yaml" }
    # Let's load our sample custom plugin
        myplugin: { resource: "EXT:yourextension/Resources/Public/CkEditorPlugins/myplugin.js" }

Step 3. Register CKEditor Sample Custom Plugin

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['RTE']['Presets']['MyPreset'] = 'EXT:yourextension/Configuration/RTE/MyPreset.yaml';

Step 4. Test-drive with RTE

    default {
        preset = MyPreset
# Create yourextension/Resources/Public/CkEditorPlugins/myplugin.js
'use strict';

(function ()) {
    CKEDITOR.plugins.add('example_plugin', {
        init: function (editor) {
            // Let's add CKEditor Icon
            // Note: Please put icon file at /Resources/Public/CkEditorPlugins/icons/mypreset.png
            icons: 'mypreset',
            // Add button to CKEditor
                label: 'My Button',
                toolbar: 'basicStyles',
                command: 'openExampleModal'

            // Execute CKEditor Command
                exec: openModal

function openModal() {
    ], function(Modal) {
            'Sample Plugin',

Advanced AJAX-based Custom TYPO3 CKEditor Plugin

# /yourextension/Configuration/RTE/MyPreset.yaml
# Let's configure AJAX route of TYPO3
    # Let's load our sample custom plugin
        myplugin: { 
            resource: "EXT:yourextension/Resources/Public/CkEditorPlugins/myplugin.js" 
            route: "configsample_route"

# yourextension/Resources/Public/CkEditorPlugins/myplugin.js

function openModal() {
    // Get AJAX URL
    var url = editor.config.myplugin.routeUrl;

    ], function(Modal) {
        // Display modalbox
            type: Modal.types.iframe,
            title: 'Sample Plugin',
            content: url,
            size: Modal.sizes.large

Step 1. Setup JS Code

# Create yourextension/Resources/Public/CkEditorPlugins/myplugin.js

'use strict';
(function () {

	CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty.em = 0;
	CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty.i = 0;

	CKEDITOR.plugins.add('icon-envelope', {
		icons: 'iconenvelope',
		init: function (editor) {
			editor.ui.addButton( 'IconEnvelope', {
				label: 'Icon E-Mail',
				toolbar: 'insert',
				command: 'insertIconEnvelope'

			editor.addCommand( 'insertIconEnvelope', {
				exec: function (editor) {
					var icon = editor.document.createElement('i');
					icon.setAttribute('class', 'fa fa-envelope');


Step 2. Include in YAML Configuration

#  /yourextension/Configuration/RTE/MyPreset.yaml

# Load default processing options
    - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Processing.yaml" }
    - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Editor/Base.yaml" }
    - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Editor/Plugins.yaml" }

# Add configuration for the editor
# For complete documentation see http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.config
    icon-envelope: { resource: "EXT:mytheme/Resources/Public/CkEditorPlugins/icon-envelope/plugin.js" }

Code Snippet TYPO3 CKEditor

  • Step 1. Search CKEditor plugin which you want to integrate into TYPO3 from CkEditor Plugin
  • Step 2. Let's imagine you want to integrate this Codesnippet plugin CKEditor Codesnippet
  • Step 3. Download & Unzip the plugin Put the plugin at yourextension/Resources/Public/CKeditor/Plugins/codesnippet/
  • Step 4. Configuration/RTE/Plugin.yaml
           resource: "EXT:yourextension/Resources/Public/CKeditor/Plugins/codesnippet/"

Step 5. Any extra configuration require in the plugin, check their documentation

Step 6. Clear the cache! You should able to see "Insert Code Snippet"

Youtube TYPO3 CKEditor

Step 1.Download & Unzip plugin ckeditor.com/cke4/addon/youtube
Put the plugin at yourextension/Resources/Public/CKeditor/Plugins/youtube/

Step 2. Configuration/RTE/Plugin.yaml

    youtube: { resource: "EXT:mx_ext/Resources/Public/RTE/Plugins/youtube/plugin.js" }
    youtube_width: '550'
    extraAllowedContent: '*(*)[data-*]; iframe'

Step 3. Clear the cache! You should able to see "Youtube Video Button"

Word Count TYPO3 CKEditor

Step 1. Download & Unzip plugin https://ckeditor.com/cke4/addon/wordcount

Put the plugin at yourextension/Resources/Public/CKeditor/Plugins/wordcount/

Step 2. Configuration/RTE/Plugin.yaml

# Register wordcount plugin for ckeditor
      resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor_wordcount/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Plugins/wordcount/"

Step 3. Import into RTE Preset

  - resource: { "EXT:rte_ckeditor_myplugin/Configuration/RTE/Plugin.yaml" }

      showCharCount: true

Step 4. Clear the cache! You should be able to see the "WordCount” button.

This plugin is pre-installed in the CKEditor and, as the name suggests, checks the spelling while you type. However, you have to reactivate it for every text, but you can activate it by default with the following code snippet.

    defaultContentLanguage: "de"
    defaultLanguage: "de"
    contentsLanguage: "de"
    language: "de"
    scayt_autoStartup: true # Spellcheck always on
    scayt_sLang: "de_DE" # spellcheck language
    wsc_lang: "de_DE"

Font Awesome Icons into TYPO3 CKEditor

Step 1. Install TYPO3 Extension rte_ckeditor_fontawesome

Step 2. TS Config

# For the default template to the CKE-Editor
RTE.default.preset = defaultFA4

# For the full template of CKE-Editor
RTE.default.preset = fullFA4

Step 3. TYPO3 Constants

# Include your font-awesome path
plugin.tx_ckeditor_fontawesome.css = {$path}

# Inlcude font-awesome through CDN
plugin.tx_ckeditor_fontawesome.css = https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css

Step 4. Import to Your RTE Config
To add this Plug-In in your own RTE Config. Import the Config in your preset.

    - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor_fontawesome/Configuration/RTE/PluginFA5.yaml" }

At the next step, you need to extend your individual Toolbar-Config to add the Clickable Icon.

        - [ 'Bold', 'Italic', .....]
        - [ 'ckeditor_fa5' ]

Unfortunately, TYPO3 does not provide any automatic migration from old RTE htmlArea to CKEditor.

You should carefully migrate it manually, but no worries, It’s not that much hard. Because, most of them are looking very similar so go one by one each configuration.

RTE htmlArea PageTSConfig

RTE.default {
    bold, italic, underline,
    left, center, right, justifyfull,
    orderedlist, unorderedlist, indent, outdent, 
         line, link, removeformat,
    copy, cut, paste, undo, redo     
    bold, italic, underline, bar, 
    left, center, right, justifyfull,
    orderedlist, unorderedlist, bar, indent, outdent, linebreak,
         line, link, removeformat, bar,
    copy, cut, paste, bar, undo, redo      


      - [ 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', '-' ] 
      - [ 'JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyBlock' ] 
      - [ 'NumberdList', 'BulletedList', '-', 'Indent', 'Outdent' ] 
      - '/'
      - [ 'HorizontalRule', 'Link', 'RemoveFormat', '-' ] 
      - [ 'Copy', 'Cut', 'Paste', '-' , 'Undo', 'Redo'] 
      - justify

Thanks for reading a long article.

I hope you enjoyed and explored more about cool CKEditor with our beloved awesome TYPO3 CMS.

What’s your favorite feature in CKEditor? Do you have any questions on CKEditor integration with TYPO3? Did we miss any important feature integration of CKEditor in TYPO3?
Please feel free to write any questions, feedback, or issues at the below comment box. We will be happy to write you back.

Have a Happy Editing!

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  • user
    William 2023-07-14 at 3:38 pm
    Thank you for this blog it's very helpful to me.