If you're a beginner looking to learn TYPO3, there are plenty of resources available to help you get started. In this blog, we've compiled a list of the 30 best resources for learning TYPO3, including tutorials, documentation, videos, and more.
Whatever your role in website development is like a marketer, editor or developer, we are sure - This educational TYPO3 blog will help you to guide as TYPO3 beginners.
It’s a bit difficult to find out all TYPO3 resources at one place, so here we are trying to collect learn TYPO3 resources of TYPO3 CMS, community & more.
To be honest, the learning curve of TYPO3 is a bit complex as compared to other simple CMS. Because TYPO3 is capable to develop small to medium to large scale enterprise-level TYPO3 website.
Before a year, we wrote Beginners Guide to TYPO3 CMS, Community and Resources and Here, we would like to extend it with list more TYPO3 resources.
We hope this blog will help you to initiate your great journey to learn TYPO3, All the very best :)
Kasper - The TYPO3 King
TYPO3 community will never forget the TYPO3 man Kasper Skårhøj from Danish. In 1997, where no one aware of the word CMS, He started to develop a historical TYPO3 CMS.
Whenever any new team member joins our TYPO3 team, He should know the history. And, I’m sure, you will have general TYPO3 related questions in your mind like;
- Where did the name of TYPO3 come from?
- What is the story of TYPO3?
- Who was the founder of TYPO3?
- and so on.
To get answers to such questions, read these good articles to know the history of TYPO3.
What is TYPO3 CMS?
TYPO3 is a free enterprise-class CMS based on PHP. It combines open source code with reliability and true scalability.
Check out this cool TYPO3 video.
Who uses TYPO3?
Sony, Mercedes-Benz, RMV, Omega, Paysafe, and many more popular brands., The list is long where TYPO3 proves world-class OpenSource CMS.
Take a look at exciting TYPO3 case studies at https://typo3.com/case-studies
Source: https://typo3.com/
How success is TYPO3?
Source: https://typo3.com/
I think it’s good enough for the basic introduction of TYPO3 CMS. Let’s check out all best TYPO3 resources to learn TYPO3 as Beginners.
Before starting the list, We would like to dedicate this blog to all-TYPO3 contributors who work hard to give back to the community. Thanks a lot!
#1 TYPO3 .org vs .com
Don’t get confused between TYPO3.org and TYPO3.com website. It’s very easy to understand.
TYPO3.org is the central location for the TYPO3 software project. You can download it, view the documentation, ask and answer questions in the forums. Moreover, TYPO3.org contains TYPO3 news, TYPO3 community, TYPO3 certification and much more.
TYPO3.com site is the professional website of TYPO3 GmbH (a 100% subsidiary of TYPO3 Association). The GmbH guarantees the further development of the TYPO3 range of products and services and supports the community with professional service.
Do you know?
TYPO3 is the world’s only vendor based support OpenSource CMS.
#2 Download TYPO3 CMS
- You can download TYPO3 CMS from https://get.typo3.org/
- If you are composer-lover, Yeah TYPO3 also support composer https://get.typo3.org/misc/composer
- Checkout release notes at https://get.typo3.org/release-notes/10
#3 TYPO3 Documentation
For years, the TYPO3 community has been working very hard to improve all-over Documentation for TYPO3 CMS and Extensions. You will find all the necessary documentation at https://docs.typo3.org/
As a TYPO3 beginner, you can start with These TYPO3 Tutorials;
For TYPO3 Backend Editor:
https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/tutorial-editors/master/en-us/Index.html#start -
For TYPO3 Template Integrator:
https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/tutorial-getting-started/master/en-us/Index.html#start -
For TYPO3 Extension Developer:
#4 TYPO3 Installation Guide
Get ready to install TYPO3 now, Checkout step by step guide at
At Documentation, You can always switch to read particular TYPO3 version’s documentation, click on left-bottom corner “Related Links”.
#5 Free TYPO3 Demo
Instead of manually setting up everything, As for beginners, we suggest trying free-trial TYPO3 demo from https://get.typo3.org/#try-online
We highly recommend to try "Click-n-launch" our Free TYPO3 Demo at TYPO3 SaaS solution (Software As A Service)
#6 Free TYPO3 Extensions
TYPO3 community has more than 1500+ free TYPO3 extensions, Checkout
https://extensions.typo3.org/ Casually it’s call TER (TYPO3 Extensions Repository).
#7 Free TYPO3 Templates & Themes
At TER, You can also find some TYPO3 template and themes by search eg.,
https://extensions.typo3.org/?L=0&id=1&tx_solr%5Bq%5D=template If you are looking for more free and premium TYPO3 templates, then T3Planet’s TYPO3 Templates
#8 TYPO3 Backend
Do you want to have a quick glimpse of how the TYPO3 backend is? Just jump here - https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/tutorial-getting-started/master/en-us/GeneralPrinciples/Index.html
Source: https://docs.typo3.org/
#9 Good to Attend TYPO3 Events
One of the good ways to learn TYPO3 is to attending TYPO3 events. TYPO3 community has lovely people who always eager to share and gain knowledge. We suggest keeping your eyes on TYPO3 Events and News.
#10 TYPO3 Release Announce
It’s always good to subscribe following channels to stay notified next releases of TYPO3.
#11 TYPO3 LTS vs ELTS Release
LTS = 3 years Long-Term Support, Free TYPO3 release from TYPO3 Community
ELTS = 3 years Extended Long-Term Support, Pro TYPO3 release from TYPO3 Community
In that way, TYPO3 provides 6 years of support to each version, there is not any OpenSource CMS which can provide such long support.
#12 Free TYPO3 Support
From our decade of being in a close connection with the TYPO3 community, we always realized, that TYPO3 community has very supportive people.
Join now & stay connected with the following channels to get free support.
#13 Professional TYPO3 Support
Are you looking for a professional TYPO3 agency? TYPO3 GmbH has qualified and experienced TYPO3 agency partner, You can find and connect at- https://typo3.com/partners/professional-service-listing#/list
#14 TYPO3 Freelancers
You can also find out TYPO3 selected professional freelancers at- https://typo3.com/partners/professional-service-listing/country//type/FREELANCER/services//certifications//extensionmaintainer/0?tx_psl_list%5Bfilter%5D%5Bsearch%5D=&cHash=09f4905e5794f2a580151c6c2cfb4f50#/list
#15 TYP3 Videos
One of the missing stuff in TYPO3 education, as there are very-less TYPO3 videos available. Although subscribe official Youtube channel and check out some old-videos which will help you to learn particular TYPO3 topic at- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwpl8LY9Tr3PB26Kk2FYW_w
#16 TYPO3 Talks
You can always raise your voice and opinion at TYPO3 community, There is a centralized forum at https://talk.typo3.org/
#17 TYPO3 Blog
You can subscribe to the popular TYPO3 blog.
- Official TYPO3 Blogs
- TYPO3worx
- Use TYPO3
- TYPO3 Manual
- Reelworx
- Daniel Siepmann
- Doc Core Insight
- Scripting Base
- Blogs by Torben Hansen
- Blogs by Richard Haeser
- Blogs by Sebastian Klein
Also, We are continuously writing TYPO3 blog, so we recommend to subscribe our TYPO3 Newsletter at https:// t3planet. de/en/subscribe-typo3-newsletter/
#18 TYPO3 Books
There are some TYPO3 books which can help you to start to learn TYPO3 as follows:
#19 TYPO3 SLA (Service Level Agreement)
If you don’t have TYPO3 resource and would like to maintain your existing TYPO3 site, then you can consider TYPO3 GmbH’s Service Level Agreement- https://typo3.com/services/service-level-agreements
#20 TYPO3 Shop
Do you want to collect and buy cool TYPO3 stuff like TYPO3 t-shirt, pen, diary, etc.? Visit this official TYPO3 shop at typo3 shop Also you can sponsor and donate to the TYPO3 association.
#21 TYPO3 Roadmap
To know ROI, It’s always good to check out future planning of any OpenSource CMS, Here is the TYPO3 Roadmap at https://typo3.org/cms/roadmap
#22 TYPO3 Community
If you are interested to contribute something back to the great TYPO3 community, then we suggest you check out each section of community page at https://typo3.org/community You can find out Teams & Committees, How to contribute, etc.
#23 Security Matters
TYPO3 is always serious about security, Keep your eyes on the latest security stuff at- https://typo3.org/help/security-advisories/
#24 Skill Display - Future of TYPO3 Knowledge hub
TYPO3 Association is pushing SkillDisplay to improve your knowledge through a step-by-step guide & test, You should try https://www.skilldisplay.eu/use-cases/use-case-typo3/
#25 TYPO3 Version Checker
Do you want to know what TYPO3 version used in your particular TYPO3 website? Test-drive with this cool tool TYPO3 Statistics
#26 TYPO3 Features
Do you believe? TYPO3 Have built-in 9998 features, It’s almost 20+ years long journey TYPO3 get lots of features https://typo3.org/cms/features/
TYPO3 v3.x
#27 This Month In TYPO3
You can get continues good updates from this corner of TYPO3.org call “This Month In TYPO3”.
- Take a look at archive posts https://typo3.org/project/news/this-month-in-typo3/
- You can submit your favorite TYPO3 thing from this form
#28 TYPO3 @ Social-Media
To get up-to-date with TYPO3 CMS and Community, Subscribe now following the social-media platform.
Official TYPO3 Profile
Un-Official TYPO3 Groups
#29 Join TYPO3 Community Now!
From just 7.92 EUR, Become a TYPO3 Community Member
https://shop.typo3.com/Memberships/ and Get following benefits.
- Participate in the yearly T3A General Assembly.
- Participate at official votings (EAB, BCC)
- See and discuss the yearly budgets.
- Use the membership logo at your website
#30 T3Planet: First-Ever TYPO3 Marketplace
Last but not the least, Meet the First-Ever TYPO3 Marketplace https://t3planet.de/en/ You can find Free and Premium TYPO3 Templates as well as TYPO3 Extensions, TYPO3 SaaS solution with Free 90 day support, One-Month Moneyback Guarantee and more.
In the nearer future, we are planning to expand more services with TYPO3 Education, TYPO3 Jobs, etc. Join us now, Become TYPO3 Vendor or TYPO3 Buyer.
Sanjay Chauhan
CTO at T3Planet & NITSANSanjay Chauhan, Co-Founder of NITSAN (Award winning TYPO3 agency) and Pioneer of T3Planet (first-ever TYPO3 Shop).
A true TYPO3 fanatic since 2010. I bring strong TYPO3 experience in building customer-business…
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